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rksm committed May 25, 2016
1 parent fdac825 commit 2897998
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Showing 5 changed files with 432 additions and 114 deletions.
180 changes: 143 additions & 37 deletions dist/lively.modules-with-lively.vm.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21845,7 +21845,8 @@ var categorizer = Object.freeze({
var env = {
loadError: undefined,
recorderName: "__lvVarRecorder",
dontTransform: ["__rec__", "__lvVarRecorder", "global", "self", "_moduleExport", "_moduleImport"].concat(ast.query.knownGlobals),
dontTransform: ["__lvVarRecorder", "global", "self", "_moduleExport", "_moduleImport", "fetch" // doesn't like to be called as a method, i.e. __lvVarRecorder.fetch
recorder: Object.create(GLOBAL$1, {
_moduleExport: {
get: function get() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -22075,52 +22076,154 @@ var categorizer = Object.freeze({
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

function importPackage$1(System, packageURL) {
return System.normalize(packageURL).then(function (url) {
return registerPackage$1(System, url);
}).then(function () {
return System.normalize(packageURL);
}).then(function (entry) {
return System["import"](entry);
return regeneratorRuntime.async(function importPackage$(context$1$0) {
while (1) switch (context$1$0.prev = context$1$ {
case 0:
context$1$ = 2;
return regeneratorRuntime.awrap(registerPackage$1(System, packageURL));

case 2:
context$1$0.t0 = System;
context$1$ = 5;
return regeneratorRuntime.awrap(System.normalize(packageURL));

case 5:
context$1$0.t1 = context$1$0.sent;
return context$1$0.abrupt("return", context$1$0.t0["import"].call(context$1$0.t0, context$1$0.t1));

case 7:
case "end":
return context$1$0.stop();
}, null, this);

function registerPackage$1(System, packageURL, packageLoadStack) {
if (!isURL(packageURL)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Error registering package: " + packageURL + " is not a valid URL"));
var url, registerSubPackages, packageInSystem, cfg, packageConfigResult, _iteratorNormalCompletion, _didIteratorError, _iteratorError, _iterator, _step, subp;

// ensure it's a directory
if (!packageURL.match(/\.js/)) packageURL = packageURL;else if (packageURL.indexOf(packageURL + ".js") > -1) packageURL = packageURL.replace(/\.js$/, "");else packageURL = packageURL.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/");
return regeneratorRuntime.async(function registerPackage$(context$1$0) {
while (1) switch (context$1$0.prev = context$1$ {
case 0:
context$1$ = 2;
return regeneratorRuntime.awrap(System.normalize(packageURL));

if (packageURL.match(/\.js$/)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("[registerPackage] packageURL is expected to point to a directory but seems to be a .js file: " + packageURL));
case 2:
url = context$1$0.sent;

packageURL = String(packageURL).replace(/\/$/, "");
if (isURL(url)) {
context$1$ = 5;

packageLoadStack = packageLoadStack || [];
var registerSubPackages = true;
// stop here to support circular deps
if (packageLoadStack.indexOf(packageURL) !== -1) {
registerSubPackages = false;
System.debug && console.log("[lively.modules package register] %s is a circular dependency, stopping registerign subpackages", packageURL);
} else {
return context$1$0.abrupt("return", Promise.reject(new Error("Error registering package: " + url + " is not a valid URL")));

System.debug && console.log("[lively.modules package register] %s", packageURL);
case 5:

var packageInSystem = System.packages[packageURL] || (System.packages[packageURL] = {});
// ensure it's a directory
if (!url.match(/\.js/)) url = url;else if (url.indexOf(url + ".js") > -1) url = url.replace(/\.js$/, "");else url = url.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/");

return tryToLoadPackageConfig(System, packageURL).then(function (cfg) {
return Promise.resolve(applyConfig(System, cfg, packageURL)).then(function (packageConfigResult) {
return registerSubPackages ? Promise.all( (subp) {
return registerPackage$1(System, subp.address, packageLoadStack);
})) : Promise.resolve();
}).then(function () {
if (!url.match(/\.js$/)) {
context$1$ = 8;

return context$1$0.abrupt("return", Promise.reject(new Error("[registerPackage] packageURL is expected to point to a directory but seems to be a .js file: " + url)));

case 8:

url = String(url).replace(/\/$/, "");

packageLoadStack = packageLoadStack || [];
registerSubPackages = true;

// stop here to support circular deps
if (packageLoadStack.indexOf(url) !== -1) {
registerSubPackages = false;
System.debug && console.log("[lively.modules package register] %s is a circular dependency, stopping registerign subpackages", url);
} else packageLoadStack.push(url);

System.debug && console.log("[lively.modules package register] %s", url);

packageInSystem = System.packages[url] || (System.packages[url] = {});
context$1$ = 16;
return regeneratorRuntime.awrap(tryToLoadPackageConfig(System, url));

case 16:
cfg = context$1$0.sent;
context$1$ = 19;
return regeneratorRuntime.awrap(applyConfig(System, cfg, url));

case 19:
packageConfigResult = context$1$0.sent;

if (!registerSubPackages) {
context$1$ = 47;

_iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
_didIteratorError = false;
_iteratorError = undefined;
context$1$0.prev = 24;
_iterator = packageConfigResult.subPackages[Symbol.iterator]();

case 26:
if (_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = {
context$1$ = 33;

subp = _step.value;
context$1$ = 30;
return regeneratorRuntime.awrap(registerPackage$1(System, subp.address.replace(/\/?$/, "/"), packageLoadStack));

case 30:
_iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
context$1$ = 26;

case 33:
context$1$ = 39;

case 35:
context$1$0.prev = 35;
context$1$0.t0 = context$1$0["catch"](24);
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = context$1$0.t0;

case 39:
context$1$0.prev = 39;
context$1$0.prev = 40;

if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator["return"]) {

case 42:
context$1$0.prev = 42;

if (!_didIteratorError) {
context$1$ = 45;

throw _iteratorError;

case 45:
return context$1$0.finish(42);

case 46:
return context$1$0.finish(39);

case 47:
return context$1$0.abrupt("return",;

case 48:
case "end":
return context$1$0.stop();
}, null, this, [[24, 35, 39, 47], [40,, 42, 46]]);

function tryToLoadPackageConfig(System, packageURL) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -22315,6 +22418,9 @@ var categorizer = Object.freeze({
return result;

// *after* the package is registered the normalize call should resolve to the
// package's main module

var eventTypes = ["modulechange", "doitrequest", "doitresult"];

// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Expand Down

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