This is the source for the codebase that I originally wrote for the McMUN 2013 website. It will also be used to power the McMUN 2014 and SSUNS 2013 websites. Built with Django.
If you want to use this codebase for your own website, keep in mind that the site was built for a very specific purpose (i.e., McMUN/SSUNS 2013), and thus there may be issues with adapting it for other purposes. There is also some hastily tacked-on code that I couldn't avoid, which I'm not too proud of. I cannot be held responsible for any issues (e.g., data loss, weight loss, hair loss) that may arise from the usage of this codebase.
You'll need to install a bunch of dependencies, preferrably with pip:
Django, Markdown, celery, xhtml2pdf, fabric, maybe some others. I'll create
a requirements.txt file for this later. For development, using SQLite should
be fine, so just run python syncdb
and create the superuser.
Then, to run the development server locally at port 8000, run fab up
python runserver
if you don't have Fabric installed or just like
typing). You will then be able to access the website at
For production, you'll want to edit the database settings in mcmun/, and you probably don't want to use the development server. Gunicorn is a good choice. You can serve static content using nginx or Apache or whatever web server you're using.
There is a homegrown content management system application installed. It provides a web interface for managing the menu as well as the content of the pages showing up in the menu. It's fairly rudimentary, so you can't do anything complicated like form processing or user customisation (see the Editing functionality section below for info on that). However, it does make managing content much easier.
To use it, first log in to the admin panel ( using the superuser account details, and click on 'Cms'.
Do you want the page to show up as a top-level link in the menu bar? You want to add a parent page. Click 'Add' next to 'Parent pages'. Do you want it to show up under a particular top-level link in the menu bar? You want to add a subpage. Click 'Add' next to 'Sub pages', and choose the desired top-level link you want it to be under to be the 'Parent'.
The short name is the slug (what will show up in the URL when you're at the page), the long name is the title that will show up in the browser titlebar (and on the page as well if "Show nav" is checked). The content is what will show up on the page in the white section. It's processed with Markdown, and HTML is enabled.
If you need to do something very HTML-intensive, it might be nicer
to use an actual HTML template (so you can use your own editor and keep it
under version control). In this case, you'll want to check the 'Custom
template' box. The HTML file must be placed in the following directory:
, and it must be named {short name}.html
{short name}
is the actual short name.
The 'Position' field should hold an integer determining the position of the page relative to the other pages of the same type. So if you have pages A, B, and C, and you want them to show up in that order, then A should be 1, B should be 2, C should be 3 (or something like that). If A is a parent page with children B and C, and D is the next parent page (immediately to the right of A) with children E and F, then the positions should be: A=1, B=1, C=2, D=2, E=1, F=1. (This system is a bit unwieldy - it's on my list of things to fix.)
Unfortunately there is no web interface for uploading images and other
media. For now, you'll have to upload them to the server using SCP or SFTP
or whatever. I usually place images files in static/img/
other documents in static/files/
. These files can then be accessed
under /static/img/ and /static/files/ respectively (relative to
the root of your website).
As mentioned previously, all the images are located in static/img/
For stylesheets, I use LESS, which is a superset of
CSS that provides awesome things like variables, operations, and nesting.
The stylesheet definitions can be found in static/css/
is the compiled CSS file that is actually served to the user.
Since this is automatically generated by the LESS compiler, you won't want
to edit this file. Instead, you'll have to edit the *.less
: Font-embedding for the Raleway font (used in headers) with@font-face
, as well as the two font-definitions that are used (#raleway
). All the font files can be found under thefonts/
: Some basic form
: The menu styling is defined here. It's a pure CSS implementation (i.e., no Javascript) using lists, so most of the layout-based definitions in this file are necessary, if somewhat obtuse. Be careful when changing anything in this file.mixins.less
: Various mixins are defined here: gradients, vendor prefixes, layout, transparency, etc.variables.less
: All the variables are defined here. If you want to change a colour definition, this is probably the best place to look.mcmun.less
: The rest of the site-specific styles are defined here.
To make your changes visible on the website, you'll need to use the
LESS compiler. This can be installed through the node
package managing system with npm install -g less
(the package manager can
itself be installed through apt-get or whatever your operating system's
package manager is). Once this is installed, you'll be able to compile any
changes you make to the source by running fab less
Fabric is not installed for the full command).
In Django, functionality is implemented on the application level. The following applications are included:
: The content management system, for controlling the content of pages.committees
: Everything committee-related, including committee applications and delegation assignments.mcmun
: Everything registration-related that is not also committee-related. This includes school information, invoice generation, and scholarship applications.
To learn more about how Django applications work, it may be a good idea to read the tutorial on writing apps. After that, the .py files within each application subdirectory are recommended reading, and should be fairly self-explanatory.
More documentation on this will be available soon.
This readme will be updated with more information as I think of it. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions.
This repository isn't licensed under any of the standard OSI-approved licenses because I couldn't really find one that fit. In non-legal terms: feel free to use any Python/JS/LESS snippets you see. Attribution is not required. Please don't use the content, however. Please also refrain from copying the design wholesale. That would make me sad.
Source information for the images:
- "I mean, I'm not making any money from this, so that counts as non-commercial usage, right?") and I guess I'll release the derivative under the same license because why not. The bridge photo on the homepage, the photo of Montreal on the "About Montreal" page and the photo of McGill on the "About McGill" page are all public domain. The originals can be found on the Wikimedia Commons page for Montreal/McGill.
- The photos and logo on the "Venue" page are from the Sheraton Centre website. Should be fair use, or whatever. The Tourisme Montreal and Star Alliance logos came from somewhere. Same as above.
- The photos on the "Contact us" and "Meet the secretariat" pages are, pretty obviously, photos of secretariat members.
- The photos in the Registration/Welcome/Committees block on the home page were taken by either a secretariat member or someone related to McMUN in some way. The rest of the images - the dove, the logo, the contact icons in the header - I created in Inkscape. They're not available under any sort of copyleft license, unfortunately. Using the logo for illustration purposes in the context of McMUN is, of course, totally fine.