This is a single repository for all classwork I had saved on Github. All of the undergrad courses were their own repositories at one point, but that was turning into a mess. As a response to that, I downloaded everything and congregated it into one, easy to view repository. Sadly, I lost coursework from courses like data structures, as I had a computer break before I even considered backing those files up elsewhere, but I cannot fix the past.
It is also easy to notice that some of the code here is hard to read. I have gotten much better with variable names and documentation since I got my bachelor's degree.
File Structure:
School_Work -> undergrad/grad -> class folders -> class work
The first layer is just undergrad right now, but I kept it open like this in case I decide to go to grad school. The class folders are the original github repositories, organized by class code. Everything else was how the original repositories were structured, including the readme. They are a little barebones, as I have gotten better at trying to add as much information into the readme's as possible over time, but they should get everything across.