MAGIC Grants is a 501(c)(3) U.S. nonprofit that focuses on building strong cryptocurrency communities and networks. The MAGIC Monero Fund is a subentity of MAGIC Grants guided by a five-member committee elected by Monero community members.
- Improve the Monero ecosystem.
- Support Monero development and research.
- Create Monero educational resources.
- Fund Monero security audits.
- Run essential services that support the Monero ecosystem.
- ack-j
- kowalabearhugs is a Monero community member and creative technologist.
- rottenwheel
- Tacolopo is a Rust developer, compliance engineer, and Monero user.
- XMRfamily
The MAGIC Monero Fund is currently accepting applications for grants involving research. Processes for other types of grants will be established soon. The process for submitting a research grant is described here.