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f3re edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 2 revisions


  • The PinList is a lua metatable.
  • The PinList returns a lua table, where the value of each entry is an object of type PIN.
  • All list indices start at 1
  • Global constants of the form X_Y_Z can be found at

Pin Table Attributes

  • Each Pin has 3 parameters which differ based on pin type
  • For example, for Quest Pins the parameters are journalindex, stepindex, conditionindex
  • Attributes will be added for params of each Pin type over the coming weeks/months
Returns Pin type (number) corresponding to global constant MAP_PIN_TYPE_
Returns a (table) containing the (x,y,z) position of the Pin.
Returns Pin journal index (number) for Quest Pins.
Returns Pin step index (number) for Quest Pins.
Returns Pin condition index (number) for Quest Pins.

Accessing the PinList

  • The PinList can be called with several filters, seperated by comma, which can be combined to get the entity(-ies) wanted. Make sure you use a combination of filters which can logically combined.
  • Example:
local pl = PinList("nearest,onmesh,type="..tostring(g("MAP_PIN_TYPE_QUEST_OFFER")))
if ( pl ) then
   local p = pl[1]
   if(ValidTable(p)) then
      -- the 'd' command is a global command for printing out information into the console
      local pinpos = p.pos
      d("Nearest quest offer at ("..tostring(pinpos.x)..","..tostring(pinpos.y)..","..tostring(pinpos.z)..")")  

PinList Filters

Returns Pins within a distance of "number".
Returns Pins beyond a distance of "number".
Returns the closest Pin.
Returns Pins which are on the navigation mesh.
Returns Pins with the global constant MAP_PIN_TYPE_ "number"
Returns Quest pins with journal index "number".
Returns Quest pins with step index "number".
Returns Quest pins with condition index "number".

PinList Functions

Returns Pin from the global PinList at index "number".
Scans the global PinList for a Pin of MAP_PIN_TYPE type with param values matching param1, param2, and param3. Returns true if a matching Pin is found and false otherwise.
Scans the global PinList for a Pin of MAP_PIN_TYPE type with param values matching param1, param2, and param3. Returns the Pin table if the matching Pin is found and nil otherwise.
Returns the global Pin count (number)
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