The LED cube itself was created from scratch. We used the game engine Unity to control the lighting, and made it easy to make the LEDs glow through GUI operation.
- Open this Unity Project.
- Set the Port Name to SerialHandler Object. (ex:COM3)
- Run the Unity.
- select a music Object and play it in the Timeline Tab.
・8個のシフトレジスタを使って、1層(64個)の点灯の制御を行う ・ダイナミック点灯という手法を用いて、もう一つシフトレジスタで、高速に1層ごと点灯させる
- 1層目の点灯パターンを設定
- 1層目を点灯
- 2層目の点灯パターンを設定
- 2層目を点灯
- これを8層目まで行う
- 1層目に戻る
- 上記の繰り返し
LED Cube with Unity is under MIT license.