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Pique Data (msusecl-pique-data)

Pique Data is a java library, intended for users of PIQUE, that provides features related to accessing public repositories of cyber vulnerabilities. In particular, it provides methods to access the the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) CVE 2.0 API and the GitHub Security Advisory Database. The NVD has a limited feature set and recommends that heavy users of its API's create a mirror of the database. As such, this library provides methods to create and interact with a local mirror of the NVD. This local mirror can be maintained on a dev machine or permanently stored on a database server. Also this mirror can be updated as often as necessary to maintain parity with the current NVD. The performance improvements of a local NVD mirror over the use of the API make it the recommended way to interact with the NVD when using Pique Data.

This library is versioned and developers will attempt to avoid breaking changes. However, backwards compatibility is not guaranteed. View the Changelog for information on breaking changes. Please note there is no warranty of any kind and this library is "use at your own risk"


This project requires java 11+ and only supports the maven build system. To install, add the following to your project's pom.xml file. Alternatively, you can clone the git repository and compile from source using java language level 11.


General Setup

Necessary Software

  • java development kit with a language level of 11+
  • docker


Environment Variables

PiqueData can use environment variables to handle configuration values. To get the best out of this library, it is recommended to set up an NVD API key. This will prevent rate limits from interrupting calls. Additionally API calls to GitHub Security Advisories require a Personal Access Token from GitHub. No scope needs to be assigned to this token, but it must exist on the user's GitHub profile. To use these tokens with Pique Data, create the following environment variables:

NOTE: If you are using a pre-built docker image or connecting to the on-prem mirror at the SECL, you don't need an NVD API key. If you make any calls to the CVE2.0 API, you WILL want to set up a key first.

export NVD_KEY=<your key>
export GITHUB_PAT=<your personal access token>

The following values are needed to configure an NVD Mirror. Note that these database configuration values can also be set with a configuration file as shown in the "Configuration File" section.

export PG_DRIVER=<driver_name>
export PG_HOSTNAME=<hostname or ip of database server>
export PG_PORT=<port>
export PG_DBNAME=<database name>
export PG_USERNAME=<your username>
export PG_PASS=<your password>

Default values for a containerized nvd mirror follow as an example. These can be customized to suit your needs.


Note: extra steps may be required to make these environment variables persistent between sessions. Check your operating system's documentation on custom environment variables for more information

Configuration File

PiqueData can use a configuration file instead of environment variables if desired. Be sure to gitignore your configuration file to avoid committing secrets to your respository. The configuration file must conform to a particular json schema. In /src/main/resources is a skeleton configuration file. You can easily download that file with the following command.

curl -o

Important: To work properly, the file must be named configuration.json. The recommended filepath is /src/main/resources/configuration.json, but this can be customized.

Note: Only one of the above methods is necessary to configure your project to use Pique Data

Database Setup

The NVD Mirror created by this library uses postgres. The user will need to set up postgres on their hardware with one of two methods.

  1. Docker Container Installation (Recommended)

    1. Be sure docker is installed on your system and the docker daemon is running
    2. Download this docker compose file or run the following command in your shell
      curl -o docker-compose.yml
    3. Download and configure a postgres instance in a docker container:
      docker-compose up -d
  2. Interacting With The NVD Mirror

    1. This docker compose file bundles Adminer, a simple, graphical database management tool which will run containerized over localhost. To start it, naviagate to the following url in a browser. Note that the port number can be customized in the docker-compose.yml file.

    2. Log in to Adminer with the following credentials

      System: PostgreSQL
      Server: nvd_mirror
      Username: postgres
      Password: postgres
      Database: nvd_mirror
    3. Once logged in, you may need to navigate to the "nvd" Schema using the Schema drop-down menu.

  3. Bare Metal Installation (Not recommended unless there's a very good reason)

    1. Follow instructions on the postgres website to install and configure postgres on your system.
    2. Configure a DBMS of your choice.
    3. Add your database username and password to your configuration file or environment variables.

  4. Build Relations and Hydrate Tables

    1. To build table relations and hydrate the data, clone this repository, set up your credentials, and call testBuildAndHydrateMirror().
    2. To update the mirror with the latest from the NVD use the updateNvdMirror() method in your project or testUpdateNvdMirror() natively in PiqueData.

Interacting with PiqueData

Two classes offer the user-facing functionality of this library.

  • PiqueDataFactory provides methods to create instances of PiqueData, NvdMirror, and NvdRequestBuilder.
  • PiqueData provides methods for interacting with third-party data. This includes methods to interact with on-prem/ephemeral databases as well as third-party sources like the NVD. This is probably the right class to instantiate for most needs.
  • NvdMirror provides methods to manage a mirror of the NVD. With the options of the lab nvd mirror or portable dockerized nvd mirrors, this class is not needed for most use cases.

Note: Other classes can be used, extended, implemented, or overridden. More documentation on advanced usage will be included in subsequent releases.

Example usages are included below.

Obtaining data from an NVD Mirror

This is the preferred way to interact with CVE data in the SECL. Direct access to a database whether over localhost or via a database server.

class ExampleClass {
   private final String cveId = "CVE-1999-0095";

   // If configured with environment variables
   PiqueDataFactory piqueDataFactory = new PiqueDataFactory();

   // Else if configured with a credentials file:
   PiqueDataFactory piqueDataFactory = new PiqueDataFactory(path_to_credentials_file);

   PiqueData piqueData = piqueDataFactory.getPiqueData();

   // Gets a cve object
   public Cve exampleGetCveMethod() {
       try {
           return piqueData.getCveById(cveId);
       } catch (DataAccessException e) {
           // Log error
           throw new RuntimeException(e);

   // Gets a list of CWE's associated with a particular CVE
   public String[] exampleGetCweMethod() {
      try {
          return piqueData.getCwes(cveId);
      } catch (DataAccessException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);

Consuming Third-party APIs

The PiqueData class provides methods for interacting with third-party APIs. Currently, PiqueData is configured to interact with the National Vulnerability Database and GitHub Security Advisories. The NVD offers only REST endpoints and PiqueData deserializes the responses to POJOs (These are typically accessed through the Cve class). This library also provides tools to serialize and deserialize json representations of the Cve objects.

GHSAs are only offered via a GraphQL endpoint. Currently, PiqueData can consume this API, but it is optimized for a very small subset of the GHSA graph. A future release will contain a full GraphQL library with type-safe queries.


class ExampleClass {
   private final String cveId = "CVE-1999-0095";
   private final String dbContext = "persistent";

   // If configured with environment variables
   PiqueDataFactory piqueDataFactory = new PiqueDataFactory();

   // Else if configured with a credentials file:
   PiqueDataFactory piqueDataFactory = new PiqueDataFactory(path_to_credentials_file);

   PiqueData piqueData = piqueDataFactory.getPiqueData();

   // Get a CVE from the National Vulnerability Database
   public String getACveFromTheNvd() {
      try {
          Cve cve = piqueData.getCveFromNvd(dbContext, cveId);
      } catch (ApiCallException e) {
          // Log error
          throw new RuntimeException(e);

Working with the NVD CVE2.0 API

The NVD API offers features not covered in PiqueData. The advantage of the SECL NVD Mirror is that you can customize how you query the database easily with SQL. However, if you want to work with the NVD directly or use any of their parameters, PiqueData makes it easy. This is the purpose of the NvdRequestBuilder class in the presentation package. You can use this class to call the NVD with any parameter offered by the CVE2.0 API. A builder pattern is used and so you can simply add as many parameters as you like by instantiating the NvdRequestBuilder class from the PiqueDataFactory class, then include parameters using " .withParamName(paramValue)." As of January 2025, all legal CVE2.0 paramaeters are included in the NvdRequestBuilder. An example follows.

class ExampleCallWithParams {
    PiqueDataFactory piqueDataFactory = new PiqueDataFactory(<optional_path_to_credentials_file>);

    try {
        CveEntity entity = piqueDataFactory.getNvdRequestBuilder()
    } catch (ApiCallException e) {
        // Log error
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

A list of parameters can be found here.

A Note on Exception Handling

The PiqueData library uses two custom exceptions. DataAccessException is thrown when there is an error interacting with a database. ApiCallException is thrown when there is an error interacting with a third-party API.

More info

For a complete picture of available methods, it is recommended to read through the PiqueData and NvdMirror classes in the presentation package. The methods and classes are extensively documented there. In subsequent releases, this will be replaced by javadocs.


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