Jailed Labs
- Netherlands
- http://jailed.ml
C-Programming-Books Public
A collection of useful books and papers for learning and programming in ANSI C
jailbreakme Public
A webbased jailbreak solution unifying existing jailbreak me solutions and new ones.
plataoplomo Public
A collection of minor userland bugs and vulnerabilities
XNU-Kernel-Fuzzer Public
A fuzzer for the iOS kernel and userland
NAPT-Repository Public
An example repository to be used with the NeXT Advanced Package Tool
darwin-xnu Public
Forked from apple/darwin-xnuThe Darwin Kernel (mirror)
dsc_extract Public
Utility for extracting iOS dyld shared caches Thanks @Apple
PurpleSmoke Public archive
A work-in-progress repository for breaking the security of iOS 11.2 up to 11.2.6
MachoManiac Public
A well-written modular Object Oriented Mach-O parser written in pure javascript
UnjailMe Public
A sandbox escape based on the proof-of-concept (CVE-2018-4087) by Rani Idan (Zimperium)
iOS-Security-Papers Public
A collection of Writeups and Papers about iOS Security
iDeviceEmulator Public
Revived iOS emulator for Windows, macOS and Linux
XNU_mach-o_Javascript Public
Apple's MACH-O headers from the XNU kernel ported to javascript for educational purposes
ibusybox-jailed Public
A project for porting a library of UNIX-commands to non-jailbroken iOS
libimobiledevice-staticbins Public
Static prebuilt binaries of the libimobiledevice project
FWLR Public
iOS Framework and Library Reversing Tool
BinReveal Public
A project for analyzing files to find signatures or hidden files in a file
MTJailed Public
MTJailed (modern). A Terminal Emulator for non-jailbroken devices supporting iOS 11 devices.
JSMacho Public
An attempt to create a MACH-O Parser in javascript for MACH-O binary analysis
CLIRadio Public
A command line utillity for listening to radio using mplayer
MouseTracking Public
A project that aims to show that companies can track your mouse movements to track and profile you
lzssdec-js Public
A javascript implementation for LZSS decompression
PrivateAPIManager Public
A project providing usefull classes for reverse engineering iOS Private APIs on-device
API-Buster Public
A project to detect the use of obscure functions, private API's and entitlements + Privacy info
dlopen-hack Public
Abusing dlopen and dlsym to run signed binaries
PsychoPath Public
Forked from coffeebreakerz/PsychoPathAn exploit for StreamingZip iOS 11.0.3 and below
MTJailed-Native Public
A terminal emulator with remote shell for non-jailbroken iOS devices
Blob-Saver Public
Software for saving SHSH blobs written to support any PHP + curl enabled webserver
MSF-Webkit-10.3 Public
A metasploit module for webkit exploits and PoC's targeting devices running iOS 10+