sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up
sudo docker ps
sudo docker inspect (id)
sudo docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps container_instance_name
sudo docker exec -it (id) bash
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -m PEM -f ./sshServer/rsa
connect --login "user"
edit-config --target running --config=/opt/dev/Netopeer2/example_configuration/qbv_config_1.xml
TSN NIC IP addresses must be specified at TSN_AF/Southconf/ and TSN_AF/sshServer/
TSN NIC at DS-TT side (UERANSIM side) must use PORT_1 while TSN NIC at NW-TT side (Open5GS side) must use PORT_0
Depends on an external private CAMARA API
DS-TT TSN NIC configuration NETCONF messages are not being sent through the established GTP tunnel but instead go through common ETH interfaces.