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Merge pull request #40 from MagneticResonanceImaging/CoilMapsCG
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Option to run a coilwise CG recon in the coil maps calculation.
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SebastianFlassbeck authored Oct 4, 2024
2 parents ae488c3 + 0a7f145 commit c1ddb60
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Showing 5 changed files with 58 additions and 30 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ version = "0.8.1-DEV"
ExponentialUtilities = "d4d017d3-3776-5f7e-afef-a10c40355c18"
FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
IterativeSolvers = "42fd0dbc-a981-5370-80f2-aaf504508153"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LinearOperators = "5c8ed15e-5a4c-59e4-a42b-c7e8811fb125"
MRICoilSensitivities = "c57eb701-aafc-44a2-a53c-128049758959"
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52 changes: 36 additions & 16 deletions src/BackProjection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,68 +21,72 @@ Calculate (filtered) backprojection
# Notes
- The type of the elements of the trajectory define if a gridded backprojection (eltype(trj[1]) or eltype(trj) <: Int) or a non-uniform (else) is performed.
function calculateBackProjection(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{cT}}, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, img_shape::NTuple{N,Int}; U=I(length(data)), density_compensation=:none, verbose=false) where {T <: Real, cT <: Complex{T},N}
Ncoef = size(U,2)
function calculateBackProjection(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{cT}}, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, img_shape::NTuple{N,Int}; U=I(length(data)), density_compensation=:none, verbose=false) where {T<:Real,cT<:Complex{T},N}
Ncoef = size(U, 2)

trj_v = reduce(hcat, trj)
p = plan_nfft(trj_v, img_shape; precompute=TENSOR, blocking=true, fftflags=FFTW.MEASURE)

Ncoil = size(data[1], 2)
xbp = Array{cT}(undef, img_shape..., Ncoef, Ncoil)

trj_l = [size(trj[it],2) for it in eachindex(trj)]
data_temp = Vector{cT}(undef,sum(trj_l))
trj_l = [size(trj[it], 2) for it in eachindex(trj)]
data_temp = Vector{cT}(undef, sum(trj_l))

img_idx = CartesianIndices(img_shape)
verbose && println("calculating backprojection..."); flush(stdout)
verbose && println("calculating backprojection...")
for icoef axes(U, 2)
t = @elapsed for icoil axes(data[1], 2)
@simd for it in eachindex(data)
idx1 = sum(trj_l[1:it-1]) + 1
idx2 = sum(trj_l[1:it])
@views data_temp[idx1:idx2] .= data[it][:,icoil] .* conj(U[it,icoef])
@views data_temp[idx1:idx2] .= data[it][:, icoil] .* conj(U[it, icoef])
applyDensityCompensation!(data_temp, trj_v; density_compensation)

@views mul!(xbp[img_idx, icoef, icoil], adjoint(p), data_temp)
verbose && println("coefficient = $icoef: t = $t s"); flush(stdout)
verbose && println("coefficient = $icoef: t = $t s")
return xbp

function calculateBackProjection(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{cT}}, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, cmaps::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{cT,N}}; U=I(length(data)), density_compensation=:none, verbose=false) where {T <: Real, cT <: Complex{T}, N}
function calculateBackProjection(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{cT}}, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, cmaps::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{cT,N}}; U=I(length(data)), density_compensation=:none, verbose=false) where {T<:Real,cT<:Complex{T},N}
test_dimension(data, trj, U, cmaps)

trj_v = reduce(hcat, trj)
Ncoef = size(U, 2)
img_shape = size(cmaps[1])

p = plan_nfft(trj_v, img_shape; precompute=TENSOR, blocking = true, fftflags = FFTW.MEASURE)
p = plan_nfft(trj_v, img_shape; precompute=TENSOR, blocking=true, fftflags=FFTW.MEASURE)
xbp = zeros(cT, img_shape..., Ncoef)
xtmp = Array{cT}(undef, img_shape)

trj_l = [size(trj[it],2) for it in eachindex(trj)]
data_temp = Vector{cT}(undef,sum(trj_l))
trj_l = [size(trj[it], 2) for it in eachindex(trj)]
data_temp = Vector{cT}(undef, sum(trj_l))
img_idx = CartesianIndices(img_shape)
verbose && println("calculating backprojection..."); flush(stdout)
verbose && println("calculating backprojection...")
for icoef axes(U, 2)
t = @elapsed for icoil eachindex(cmaps)
@simd for it in eachindex(data)
idx1 = sum(trj_l[1:it-1]) + 1
idx2 = sum(trj_l[1:it])
@views data_temp[idx1:idx2] .= data[it][:,icoil] .* conj(U[it,icoef])
@views data_temp[idx1:idx2] .= data[it][:, icoil] .* conj(U[it, icoef])
applyDensityCompensation!(data_temp, trj_v; density_compensation)
mul!(xtmp, adjoint(p), data_temp)
xbp[img_idx,icoef] .+= conj.(cmaps[icoil]) .* xtmp
xbp[img_idx, icoef] .+= conj.(cmaps[icoil]) .* xtmp
verbose && println("coefficient = $icoef: t = $t s"); flush(stdout)
verbose && println("coefficient = $icoef: t = $t s")
return xbp

function calculateBackProjection(data::AbstractArray{cT}, trj::AbstractMatrix{T}, cmaps_img_shape; density_compensation=:none, verbose=false) where {T <: Real, cT <: Complex{T}}
function calculateBackProjection(data::AbstractArray{cT}, trj::AbstractMatrix{T}, cmaps_img_shape; density_compensation=:none, verbose=false) where {T<:Real,cT<:Complex{T}}
return calculateBackProjection([data], [trj], cmaps_img_shape; U=I(1), density_compensation, verbose)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,6 +116,22 @@ function calculateBackProjection(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray}, trj::Abs
return xbp

function calculateCoilwiseCG(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{cT}}, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, img_shape::NTuple{N,Int}; U=I(length(data)), maxiter=100, verbose=false) where {T<:Real,cT<:Complex{T},N}
Ncoil = size(data[1], 2)

AᴴA = NFFTNormalOp(img_shape, trj, U[:, 1]; verbose)
xbp = calculateBackProjection(data, trj, img_shape; U=U[:, 1], verbose)
x = zeros(cT, img_shape..., Ncoil)

for icoil = 1:Ncoil
bi = vec(@view xbp[CartesianIndices(img_shape), 1, icoil])
xi = vec(@view x[CartesianIndices(img_shape), icoil])
cg!(xi, AᴴA, bi; maxiter, verbose, reltol=0)
return x

## ##########################################################################
# Internal use
Expand Down
27 changes: 16 additions & 11 deletions src/CoilMaps.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,31 +24,36 @@ Estimate coil sensitivity maps using ESPIRiT [1].
# References
[1] Uecker, M., Lai, P., Murphy, M.J., Virtue, P., Elad, M., Pauly, J.M., Vasanawala, S.S. and Lustig, M. (2014), ESPIRiT—an eigenvalue approach to autocalibrating parallel MRI: Where SENSE meets GRAPPA. Magn. Reson. Med., 71: 990-1001.
function calcCoilMaps(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{Complex{T}}}, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, img_shape::NTuple{N,Int}; U = ones(length(data)), density_compensation=:radial_3D, kernel_size=ntuple(_ -> 6, N), calib_size=ntuple(_ -> 24, N), eigThresh_1=0.01, eigThresh_2=0.9, nmaps=1, verbose=false) where {N,T}
function calcCoilMaps(data::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{Complex{T}}}, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, img_shape::NTuple{N,Int}; U=ones(length(data)), kernel_size=ntuple(_ -> 6, N), calib_size=img_shape(img_shape[1]÷32), eigThresh_1=0.01, eigThresh_2=0.9, nmaps=1, verbose=false) where {N,T}
Ncoil = size(data[1], 2)
Ndims = length(img_shape)
imdims = ntuple(i -> i, Ndims)
Nt = length(trj)

xbp = calculateBackProjection(data, trj, img_shape; U=U[:,1], density_compensation, verbose)
xbp = dropdims(xbp, dims=ndims(xbp)-1)
calib_scale = img_shape ./ calib_size

img_idx = CartesianIndices(img_shape)
kbp = fftshift(xbp, imdims)
trj_calib = Vector{Matrix{T}}(undef, Nt)
data_calib = Vector{Matrix{Complex{T}}}(undef, Nt)
Threads.@threads for it eachindex(trj)
trj_idx = [all(abs.(trj[it][:, i] .* calib_scale) .< T(0.5)) for i axes(trj[it], 2)]
trj_calib[it] = trj[it][:, trj_idx] .* calib_scale
data_calib[it] = data[it][trj_idx, :]
x = calculateCoilwiseCG(data_calib, trj_calib, calib_size; U)

kbp = fftshift(x, imdims)
fft!(kbp, imdims)
kbp = fftshift(kbp, imdims)

m = CartesianIndices(calib_size) .+ CartesianIndex((img_shape .- calib_size) 2)
kbp = kbp[m, :]

t = @elapsed begin
cmaps = espirit(kbp, img_shape, kernel_size, eigThresh_1=eigThresh_1, eigThresh_2=eigThresh_2, nmaps=nmaps)
cmaps = espirit(kbp, img_shape, kernel_size; eigThresh_1, eigThresh_2, nmaps)
verbose && println("espirit: $t s")

cmaps = [cmaps[img_idx, ic, 1] for ic = 1:Ncoil]
cmaps = [cmaps[CartesianIndices(img_shape), ic, in] for ic = 1:Ncoil, in = (nmaps == 1 ? 1 : 1:nmaps)]
return cmaps

function calcCoilMaps(data::AbstractMatrix{Complex{T}}, trj::AbstractMatrix{T}, img_shape::NTuple{N,Int}; density_compensation=:radial_3D, kernel_size=ntuple(_ -> 6, N), calib_size=ntuple(_ -> 24, N), eigThresh_1=0.01, eigThresh_2=0.9, nmaps=1, verbose=false) where {N,T}
calcCoilMaps([data], [trj], img_shape; U = I(1), density_compensation, kernel_size, calib_size, eigThresh_1, eigThresh_2, nmaps, verbose)
calcCoilMaps([data], [trj], img_shape; U=I(1), density_compensation, kernel_size, calib_size, eigThresh_1, eigThresh_2, nmaps, verbose)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/MRFingerprintingRecon.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ using NFFTTools
using MRICoilSensitivities
using LinearOperators
using ExponentialUtilities
using IterativeSolvers

export NFFTNormalOp, calcCoilMaps, calculateBackProjection, kooshball, kooshballGA, calcFilteredBackProjection
export FFTNormalOp, radial_grog!
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/NFFTNormalOpBasisFunc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Differentiate between functions exploiting a pre-calculated Toeplitz kernel basi
function NFFTNormalOp(
cmaps=[ones(T, img_shape)],
verbose = false,
num_fft_threads = round(Int, Threads.nthreads()/size(U, 2)),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function calculate_kmask_indcs(img_shape_os, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatri
return kmask_indcs

function calculateToeplitzKernelBasis(img_shape_os, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, U::AbstractMatrix{Tc}; verbose = false) where {T, Tc <: Union{T, Complex{T}}}
function calculateToeplitzKernelBasis(img_shape_os, trj::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}}, U::AbstractArray{Tc}; verbose = false) where {T, Tc <: Union{T, Complex{T}}}

kmask_indcs = calculate_kmask_indcs(img_shape_os, trj)
@assert all(kmask_indcs .> 0) # ensure that kmask is not out of bound
Expand All @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function calculateToeplitzKernelBasis(img_shape_os, trj::AbstractVector{<:Abstra
λ2 = similar(λ)
λ3 = similar(λ)
Λ = Array{Complex{T}}(undef, Ncoeff, Ncoeff, length(kmask_indcs))

trj_l = [size(trj[it],2) for it in eachindex(trj)]
S = Vector{Complex{T}}(undef, sum(trj_l))

Expand Down

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