This repository contains the first assignment for IAML (2019). To set up your environment, please follow:
To start work, clone this repository. You will find all necessary data and the assignment notebook in the assignments/Assignment1
This assignment is formative and such will not count towards your final grade. Nonetheless, we ask you to submit answers to certain questions so that you can become familiar with the Gradescope system and so that we can summarize common mistakes people might make.
We will be using Gradescope for submissions. Submission instructions will be released separately shortly. You will be using a separate Latex-based file where you would copy your answers and/or code.
IMPORTANT: Only specific questions need to be submitted. These are Question 2.2, Question 2.6, Question 4.3 and Question 4.4,
The submission deadline for this assignment by Monday 14/10/2019 at 16:00.
Since this assignment is formative, there will be no marking assigned.
You should receive an email titled "Welcome to Gradescope for IAML (Level 10/11)" in your student mailbox (e.g. ([email protected])). First you should set a password for your Gradescope account and remember it. You will use the same account for Assignment 2 (and that one's graded), so make sure you have access to it! To submit:
. Editassignment.tex
and copy your solutions from the assignment notebook in the space provided.- Run
pdflatex assignment.tex
2 times to compile intoassignment.pdf
- Log on to Gradescope and select
Assignment 1
under Assignments. - Submit the generated pdf.
The following are links to Gradescope's own instructions for using the system and submitting: