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Getting Started: 3. Starting the Stack

Connor Bell (Makeshift) edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Starting the Stacks

download stack Starting the Downloader Stack

The default docker-compose.yml file is the downloader stack. Starting the stack should be as simple as

docker-compose up -d ; docker-compose logs -f

I advise the above command as it will disconnect you from the containers after it finishes building them, but still allows you to follow logs to watch for errors. Ctrl+C will not kill the running containers, just kill the log follow.

In case of a problem, you can run

docker-compose down

to clean up the stack. This will not delete any configuration.

watch stack Starting the Watching Stack

The watcher stack plex-compose.yml is used to deploy the Plex stack with its own Rclone. This is so they can be deployed on different machines and reduce the amount of competing the stacks have to do.

However, it's still perfectly possible to run both stacks on the same machine, using the same config. I did this to do the initial scanning and prepopulating of databases on a cloud server prior to moving it to my local server.

You can optionally provide a PLEX_CLAIM env var in plex.env to speed up the process of claiming your server. You may have already done this in a previous step.

You can obtain the value here.

cp plex.env.template plex.env
docker-compose -f plex-compose.yml up -d

download stackwatch stack Pre-Warming Rclone (Optional)

If you already have data in GDrive, it may be worth pre-warming the Rclone caches with data. Go to shared/merged/Media (or whichever folder your Media lies in) and run:

ls -R . > /dev/null &

You can continue using the remote while this happens, it will simply ls through every folder in your remote to warm the caches (and will disown it so it keeps going even if you kill your session).

If you really want to see some sembelance of progress of your warming, grab the rsync package for your distribution, go to shared/merged/Media (or whichever folder your Media lies in) and run:

rsync -rhn --info=progress2 . $(mktemp -d)

The progress bar is a bit fake, but if you know approximately how large your collection is, you can work out how far along you are.


You can now move on to the Service Configuration. section, which will show you how to configure each service in the stack.