POMS - Personal Offline-mode Minecraft Server administration system (WIP) (The work will not be continued until 2025)
This is all-in-one solution for administration of private offline-mode Minecraft server. It consists of Bukkit plugin for Minecraft server, back-end server with REST API and front-end Web-based interface. It provides the means for authorization, user management, and remote console access from browser (for administrators only).
You can get detailed information on project components in the following files:
To run and install server and site you need the following software installed on your machine:
Install all of them if you don't have them already installed.
For building Bukkit plugin you'll also need JDK 17+ and Maven build system. You can also just download prebuilt plugin from releases section on project's home page.
This document wouldn't guide you through Bukkit plugin building process. To get more inforamtion on this topic see this.
To install everything needed for running follow the steps listed below depending on your operating system. This will install all npm packages and will guide you through minimal required configuration. For advanced configuration see this.
Simply double click on install.bat
batch file or execute the following command in your terminal:
Execute the following command in your terminal:
This method is universal and isn't dependent on your operating system.
Execute the following command in your terminal:
node install.mjs
To run POMS follow the steps listed below depending on your operating system.
Simply double click on run.bat
file or execute the following command in your terminal:
Execute the following command in your terminal:
This method is universal and isn't dependent on your operating system.
Execute the following commands in your terminal:
cd server
node start
Comming soon...
Bukkit Plugin:
Comming soon...
The following are some site screenshots.