A Course Selling Platform. Tech stack used in this web application :
- Typescript (Programming Language)
- Monorepo
- NextJS
- Prisma ORM
- Next-Auth
- JWT (Jason Web Tokens) : Cookie-based authentication using JWT for secure user sessions
- TailwindCSS and Shadcn (Styling Libraries)
- Docker
This Turborepo includes the following apps and packages:
: Next.js app
- This package contains all the UI components which can be common to different applications.
- Used React Hook Forms, Zod for backend routes data validation.
- This packge contains root level Tailwing CSS configurations.
- This package contains different
components. These components are primarily used in UI package. eslint-config-custom
configurations (includeseslint-config-next
s used throughout the monorepo
NextAuth Authentication
using Google, Facebook, and Discord.JWT-Based Authentication
Cookie-based JWT authentication for maintaining user sessions.
- Added the functionality to choose from
modes for better user experience.
- Either install Postgres.app (for Mac users only) or native PostgreSQl Installer.
- Upon successful installation, intialize the Postgres server locally. By default it runs on port 5432.
- Command to connect to Postgres database.
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U username -d databaseName
PSQL is a terminal-based front-end to PostgreSQL.
Note: We cannot using ElephantSql in the scope of this project because whenever PRISMA creates migration it needs access to create a temporary table in our DB which is not possible in the case of ElephantSQL database.
- Detailed PostgreSQL and PRISMA setup explanantion can be found here
To build all apps and packages, run the following command:
cd course-selling-monorepo
pnpm build
To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:
cd course-selling-monorepo
pnpm dev