Script to prepare your GNU/Linux terminal (WSL also) in a «superterminal» with modern, autocompleted commands and other features.
- Shell: ZSH + OH-MY-ZSH + Agnoster theme
- Plugins: Zgen plugin manager + History & Red/green completion commands
- Essentials tools: wget + git + make + cmake + g++
- CLI Editors: vim + nano + micro
- CLI tools: ccze + jq + nnn
- API/Request tools: curl + http + googler + ddgr
- Help/Info: man + tldr + neofetch
- Fun: sl + lolcat + wipeclean + cmatrix
- Compressors/conversors: unzip + zip + bzip2 + p7zip + svgo + ttf2woff + woff2 + ffmpeg
- Language + Package Managers: Go + Rust + Deno + Node/NVM/PNPM
- Containers: Docker
Modern commands |
bat (cat) |
exa (ls, tree) |
glow (cat .md) |
jless (cat .json) |
catimg (image cat) |
duf (df) |
ncdu (du) |
zoxide (cd) |
htop (top) |
icdiff (diff) |
zellij (tmux) |
hyperfine (time) |
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
- Note: Do not run as root/sudo this file!
If you haven't a non-root user with sudo privileges, create it before run this script:
adduser manz --quiet
usermod -aG sudo manz
apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y sudo git
su manz