Finalizer bot that finalizes Marginal v1 liquidity bootstrapping pools, minting liquidity on Uniswap v3 and then Marginal v1.
The repo uses ApeWorX and Silverback for development.
Set up a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install requirements and Ape plugins
pip install -r requirements.txt
ape plugins install .
Include the environment variables for the address of the MarginalV1LBSupplier
the address of the MarginalV1Factory
and the address of the MarginalV1LBPool
you wish to watch
export CONTRACT_ADDRESS_MARGV1LB_SUPPLIER=<address of marginal v1lb supplier contract on network>
export CONTRACT_ADDRESS_MARGV1LB_POOL=<address of marginal v1lb pool contract on network>
export CONTRACT_ADDRESS_MARGV1_FACTORY=<address of marginal v1 factory contract on network>
Then run silverback
silverback run "main:app" --network :mainnet:alchemy --account acct-name