A field for Advanced Custom Fields which allows you to select a sidebar
Allows the selection of a registered WordPress sidebar. Also allows for null values if needed.
- Advanced Custom Fields for the awesome base plugin.
- Buditanrim for the plugin's icon
The plugin is currently available in English and Hungarian. Please feel free to submit any new languages via a pull request, I'd be mighty thankful.
This Github repository is for the development of this plugin. If you would like to read installation and in-depth usage instructions you might want to look at the WordPress plugin page instead.
- Plugin Page
- SVN Repository
- ACF Plugin
- ACF Home Page
- ACF Documentation
- ACF Field Template
- ACF on Github
If you like the plugin and you like helping others out there are a few things you can do:
- Buy ACF Pro
- Review the plugin
- Submit a translation If you speak another language goodly, you can submit a language file, I'd be mighty thankful! Take a look at the lang directory to see what languages we already have. If a language isn't there create one and submit a pull request. If you have no idea what I'm talking about drop me a line and I'll help you out
- Tip me on Gratipay