gem install git-hooks-helper
This gem has no dependencies and it will be up to you to provide required and possible dependencies. Possible dependencies are tied to checks you want to use:
- check_erb - gem install rails-erb-check
- check_slim - gem install slim
- check_haml - gem install haml
- check_best_practices - gem install rails_best_practices
Most commands use file classes internally or accept type class as a param. File type classes and associated file extensions:
- :rb - .rb .rake .task .prawn
- :js - .js
- :erb - .erb
- :slim - .slim
Create your hit hook in .git/hooks directory and make it executable.
My example pre-commit hook that i use myself. To create such a hook type in console:
cd your/project/
touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
vim .git/hooks/pre-commit
and paste following code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "git-hooks-helper"
GitHooksHelper.results do
# fail/pass options
# stop_on_warnings # makes git commit fail if any warnings are found
# never_stop # hooks never fails commits
# list_files # shows list of all changed files
# checks
check_ruby_syntax # errors when ruby syntax is invalid
check_erb # errors when ERB syntax is invalid
check_slim # errors when SLIM syntax is invalid
check_haml # errors when HAML syntax is invalid
flog_methods 20 # warnings when FLOG reports more than 20 on method
check_best_practices # warnings when ruby best practices are violated
warning_on "WTF?", "binding.pry", "<<<<<<<" # warnings when any of these texts are present in any commited files
warning_on "console.log", "debugger", {:in => [:js]} # warning when any of these texts are present in JS files
# messages
info "Run rspec tests and have a nice day." # Green text
notice "Or bad things will happen" # Yellow text
warn "Cthulhu" # Red text