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Matej Chalachán edited this page May 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

Access index and form for creation of rules with


1. Create new set of rules

Insert url on your yii web page into first input

Press button go to page that opens url in new window

From this window drag and drop elements you want to use into previous window

You can also set it by hand, just add step number, element id and text

check image of page guide form guide form

2. Add widget to the page you want to use it on

When you are in creator mode, every draggable element is highlighted with blue dashed border

By default, in creator mode all visible input elements on page are set as draggable, and if form is detected on page

also, all elements with form-group class are set.

With widget option 'selectors' (array), you can set multiple class names or ids or other valid css selectors

for picking draggable elements in creator mode.

<?= \matejch\pageGuide\widget\PageAssist::widget(['selectors' => ['.guide','#selectable_id']]) ?>

Here is example how it looks, when rules are set and user can display guide/assistant guide

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