This page documents an OPTIMADE Constant Definition. See for more information.
Definition name: bohrmagneton
Constant name: Bohr magneton
Latin symbol: bohrmagneton
Display symbol: (\mu_B)
Description: The 2018 CODATA Bohr magneton constant is defined as "1 (\mu_B) = 9.274 010 0783(28)·10^-24 J·T^-1" with joule and tesla conforming to the 2019 redefinition of the SI derived units.
- 2018 CODATA value Bohr magneton: source for relationship to joules*tesla^-1
- Wikipedia article describing the unit
JSON definition:
"$id": "",
"$schema": "",
"title": "Bohr magneton",
"symbol": "bohrmagneton",
"display-symbol": "\\(\\mu_B\\)",
"description": "The 2018 CODATA Bohr magneton constant is defined as \"1 \\(\\mu_B\\) = 9.274 010 0783(28)\u00b710^-24 J\u00b7T^-1\" with joule and tesla conforming to the 2019 redefinition of the SI derived units.",
"resources": [
"relation": "2018 CODATA value Bohr magneton: source for relationship to joules*tesla^-1",
"resource-id": ""
"relation": "Wikipedia article describing the unit",
"resource-id": ""
"defining-relation": {
"base-units": [
"symbol": "J",
"id": ""
"symbol": "T",
"id": ""
"base-units-expression": "J*T^-1",
"scale": {
"numerator": 92740100783,
"exponent": -34,
"standard_uncertainty": 2.8e-34
"standard": {
"name": "codata",
"year": 2018,
"category": "electromagnetic",
"symbol": "\\(\\mu_B\\)"
"x-optimade-definition": {
"label": "bohrmagneton_constant_codata_2018_electromagnetic",
"kind": "constant",
"format": "1.2",
"version": "1.2.0",
"name": "bohrmagneton"