Releases: Mayriad/Mayriads-EH-Master-Script
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.2.2
I removed a bit too many @grant
s in the v2.2.1
update to make
accept v2.2.0
, and that stopped the script from functioning on at least Violentmonkey and Opera. I have added back those three @grant
s to allow the script to work again on those platforms.
Automated gallery downloads:
- Edited a few words in the error messages about
- Added back three
s to the userscript metadata block that were removed earlier and broke Violentmonkey and Opera support.
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.2.1
The last update to version 2.2.0 was blocked by
, where this script is hosted for download and automatic update, because it gave error 400 "@grant
with value of
is not valid or supported" and at least another for
when I tested. I am not sure why this is happening now, because earlier versions never had a problem with these two @grant
s. However, it seems the script runs fine without them, and I have removed them so that the script update can be accepted and pushed to users. I cannot remember why I added the ones using GM.*
dot notation years ago.
- Removed all
s that use theGM.*
dot notation, and alsoGM_info
from the userscript metadata block.
Maintenance update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.2.0
This script has not been updated for almost two years and this update does all the catch-up required up to today. It has been mostly ready for a while since the recent search engine update, and I waited until the site update is final and fully deployed. It does not add any new feature, but still took me quite some time. A lot of design fixes have been removed because they have been implemented by the site.
Scientific dark theme:
- Updated the scientific styles to use the latest style sheet.
Scientific light theme:
- Updated the scientific styles to use the latest style sheet.
Design fixes:
Redesigned the fix that extends the search result message and reports how many results are shown on the page.
Redesigned the fix for the "no unfiltered results" table.
Removed the fix for the indistinctive colours used for visited titles, because this is no longer possible for userscripts to do. Browsers now block the relevant CSS selector to prevent history sniffing in general.
Removed the fix for the lack of space at the beginning of the popular list.
Removed the fix for the search result wording for page range due to the new search engine.
Removed the fix for the position of ponies. This fix was already disabled before this update, because it is not straightforward and also not really needed.
Removed the fix for the missing border at the top-right corner of each user stat bar graph, because the site has fixed this.
Removed the fix that creates the new navigation bar for some pages, because the site has fixed this.
Removed the fix for the inconsistent height of the upload button, because the site has redesigned it.
Removed the fix for the spacing between username and PM icon in the expunged log. This fix was already disabled before this update, because the site redesigned it earlier.
Removed the fix for dark theme arrow colours in the gallery list page selector, which has been removed, and moved the fix for the bounty list to the scientific dark theme feature.
Subjective fixes:
Revised the fix for the width of the "tag" button in gallery view.
Removed the fix that adjusts input elements everywhere, as it is less necessary and more difficult to maintain now.
Removed a few lines of redundant CSS.
Jump to top/bottom buttons:
- Redesigned the slide-in rectangular buttons very slightly.
Additional gallery filters:
- Redesigned the filter result message and the "no result" view from this feature, partly to work with the new UI.
Automated gallery downloads:
Set this feature to disabled when a gallery list does not have any gallery to download after filters.
Redesigned the page download button to work with the new UI and set it to disabled when the control panel is open.
Revised the page download protection sub-feature to work with the new UI.
Changed two lines to use the new page-less navigation in page download mode.
Vigilante thread links:
Updated the tag namespacing and comment cleanup links to use the new threads.
Fixed the vertical position of the tag loading GIF to keep it inside the tagging panel when this feature is active.
GUI control panel:
Redesigned the control buttons to work with the new UI. The buttons added by this script and the display mode selector have been made vertically symmetrical. Some browsers may however randomly create subpixel inaccuracy that vertically misaligns the buttons by like 0.1 px.
Redesigned the control panel slightly to better match the size of gallery lists in non-thumbnail display modes.
Changed a bit of wording.
Removed the control panel from the favourite list due to a lack of space for the buttons, and also from cases when there is no actual gallery list.
Updated the upload management URLs.
Tidied up the code a little bit.
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.1.3
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Design fixes:
- Disabled a fix for the expunge log that is no longer needed after the expunge system revamp.
Subjective fixes:
Highlighted new message count on the forum in red for when it is positive to make it more noticeable.
Fixed the spacing above the bottommost links, such as "terms of service", to use a consistent margin across page types.
Fixed inconsistent tag input field and button when this feature is enabled.
Improved navigation bar:
Highlighted unread counts in red for when they are positive to make them more noticeable.
Fixed a bug with the unread MM count where an incorrect count would be displayed when the user is in a battle.
Jump to top/bottom buttons:
Changed default setting to use slide-in rectangular buttons instead of fade-in circular buttons, because the latter looks nice but is likely to block page elements.
Redesigned the slide-in rectangular jump buttons slightly to make them even less likely to block page elements.
Automated gallery downloads:
Handled a rarely triggered download error caused by illegal characters in download filenames. Previously downloads would get stuck in the "downloading" state when this error happens.
Removed leading spaces from download filenames, which are not accepted by
Limited the status code 200 error check at each step to relevant pages only, because otherwise error messages quoted in gallery comments can incorrectly trigger error handler.
Vigilante thread links:
Pointed the "Expunge Assistance" link to the new "Expunging, Appealing and Reverting Assistance" thread.
Fixed the height of the tagging area to prevent its side borders from overflowing when a tag is selected.
GUI control panel:
- Changed the wordings very slightly.
LANraragi metadata plugin:
- Implemented the newly added cooldown plugin parameter to use a 4 second delay. Note that this cooldown is only effective in batch tagging, because auto-plugin does not yet have a multi-process timer for this.
Updated script information a little.
Slightly adjusted the gallery token part in all regular expressions.
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.1.2
Scientific dark theme:
Added styles for the new expunge system.
Added styles for brighter text on the expunge and rename trackers. Firefox has a render problem that I have mostly avoided using some hardcoded styles, but revoked expunge petitions will still have a suboptimal appearance on the tracker.
Added a colour style for the gallery ranking table on the public gallery statistics page.
Scientific light theme:
- Added styles for the new expunge system.
Design fixes:
Added code to fit images in forum posts to screen width.
Added a style to cancel an existing inline style and let submitted rename titles wrap to next line on the rename tracker to prevent long titles from extending the page.
Fixed incorrect application of a fix to a table on the public gallery statistics page.
Disabled the fix for ponies, because it has been discovered that the adjustment needed differs by pony, browser and gallery list type, and it is too difficult to fix the ponies completely.
Gallery colour coding:
- Added code to bold the titles of new galleries in addition to making them blue, for further visual enhancement and better consistency with the timestamps.
Clickable external URLs:
- Added 3 characters of code to parse URLs surrounded by HTML tags.
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.1.1
Design fixes:
- Added an automatic redirect to a working search page when searching for an uploader whose username contains a forward slash, because the username is not encoded and the site will interpret the slash as part of the URL and return 404 not found.
Subjective fixes:
- Added the case where sending a new PM returns an error to the sub-feature that adds sent PMs to sent items and tracks these messages by default.
Comment and forum filters:
- Fixed a tiny bug where comments, posts, and thread titles with multiple user-defined keywords stop this feature from working.
Vigilante thread links:
Adjusted CSS since the layout of the gallery information panel has changed a bit.
Fixed the layout when there is an advertisement taking additional space above these links.
Alternative rating system:
- Adjusted the appearance very slightly, and added display for the case where, for some reason, the star rating is not a number.
Clickable external URLs:
- Fixed a tiny bug where a gallery comment will become "undefined" when the program detects a URL that should not be parsed.
Feature update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.1.0
LANraragi metadata plugin (new feature):
- Created a separate LANraragi metadata plugin
. This plugin uses the gallery ID and token appended by the relevant new option under automated gallery downloads (see below) to directly and accurately retrieve EH metadata at any time. Please read its feature description to learn the details and requirements.
Scientific dark theme:
- Added styles to cover some borders in the archive selection popup.
Subjective fixes:
- Added code to tick the two checkboxes for new forum PMs to add sent PMs to sent items and track these messages by default.
Improved navigation bar:
Added an unread count for Mooglemails (MM). Due to limited space in the navigation bar, the unread counts have been modified to say
> PM: 0 > MM: 0 > +K: 0
instead of> Unread PM: 0 > Unread +K: 0
. -
Fixed a tiny bug where the unread counts are always displayed even when the option is disabled.
Refactored the XHR functions for fetching unread counts.
Automated gallery downloads:
Added an option to append gallery ID and token to the filename of every archive downloaded using this feature, so that other programs can directly use these identifiers to accurately retrieve metadata via EH API. This option cannot work on some browsers because they do not respect filenames specified in userscripts. It should at least work on Firefox, while Chromium browsers will not support it.
Added handlers for errors related to temporary bans.
Added an error check to detect known types of errors at each download step when the status code is 200.
Changed the error message given for the downloaded bytes error to give better instructions.
Corrected some variable naming and documentation about
- Added a Firefox compatibility mode to ensure the features that are supposed to load early will always be able to run on Firefox. It is done by loading them late at the cost of causing noticeable visual changes when they are loaded. This currently helps four features: scientific dark theme, scientific light theme, hide MPV toolbar, relocate MPV thumbnails; previously they would often fail to run on Firefox.
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.0.5
Improved navigation bar:
- Added another way to test for the empty karma page scenario.
Automated gallery downloads:
Added icons to indicate various states of the page download mode. The title of a gallery list tab/window will be prefixed by this icon after the page download mode is started.
Added a long list of control codes to the list of illegal characters to be replaced, so that they will not stop gallery downloads.
Fixed a tiny but critical bug which stops archive downloads when the archiver setting is on "manual select" in the user's EH gallery settings.
Refactored some of the code for the page download mode.
Clickable external URLs:
- Fixed a tiny bug where gallery comments with images show up as "undefined".
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.0.4
Added an option under the open galleries in tabs feature to directly open the MPV when you click galleries in gallery lists.
Added a fix to the design fixes feature to address the lack of space at the beginning of a popular list to accommodate the display mode selector.
Updated the automated gallery downloads feature to exclude expunged torrents from consideration so that torrent downloads will not be broken when there are expunged torrents. This is a newly introduced site rule and expunged torrents now stay in torrent lists, probably until they become unseeded.
Fixed a tiny bug where the fit toggle button in the basic viewer fit-to-screen feature is not displayed.
Adjusted the position and size of some elements for better alignment in the basic viewer fit-to-screen feature.
Adjusted a link and some of the wording in the control panel.
Patch update: Mayriad's EH Master Script v2.0.3
Added a multi-criteria sort to prioritise the torrent with more seeds when multiple up-to-date, seeded torrents have the same size.
Fixed another bug where gallery downloads do not actually start on Chromium browsers when the filename contains a non-standard white space character. This is the same type of bug as the one fixed in the last patch update. This type of bug was introduced by a pre-release Firefox compatibility patch, and rare bugs of this type might still show up in the future.
Added CSS styles to the MPV fit-to-screen feature to bring back the image information below each image when the multi-page spread option is enabled. The five buttons below each image mode will be hidden by default in this mode and only revealed when you hover your pointer over the bar below the image. This way you should be able to see the full information most of the time and still use the buttons; otherwise, when the information is too long, it will be truncated and suffixed with ellipsis at the end.
Fixed a tiny bug where very wide images will not be fully displayed in the MPS mode.