All endpoints are located at
GET /v1/all
Query String Parameter | Example | Description | Type | Accepts |
colors | /v1/all?colors=green,blue | only return countries that use a certain color | string (comma separated if a list) | blue, brown, cyan, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow |
continents (CC) | /v1/all?continents=SA,NA | only return countries within the specified continents | string (comma separated if a list) | AF, AN, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA |
countries (ISO Alpha-3) | /v1/all?countries=USA,GBR,CHN | only return specified countries | string (comma separated if a list) | any ISO Alpha-3 country code * |
nbw | /v1/all?nbw | removes all black and white colors from the returned data | ||
prettify | /v1/all?prettify | returns the JSON in pretty print | ||
set | /v1/all?set=secondary | only return primary or secondary colors | string | primary, secondary |
types | /v1/all?set=hex,css | only return colors in specified formats | string (comma separated if a list) | hex, rgb, hsl, css |
GET /v1/all?colors=yellow&continents=OC&nbw&types=hex,css&set=secondary
"Oceania": {
"continentName": "Oceania",
"continentCode": "OC",
"countries": {
"Cook Islands": {
"countryName": "Cook Islands",
"countryCode": "COK",
"secondary": {
"hex": [ "#005a00", "#ffd700" ],
"css": [ "darkgreen", "gold" ],
"notes": "Colors from the previous flag."
"Tuvalu": {
"countryName": "Tuvalu",
"countryCode": "TUV",
"secondary": {
"hex": [ "#00247d", "#fee014" ],
"css": [ "midnightblue", "gold" ],
"notes": "Colors used in the flag of the Govenor-General of Tuvalu."
GET /v1/secondary
Query String Parameter | Example | Description | Type | Accepts |
colors | /v1/all?colors=green,blue | only return countries that use a certain color | string (comma separated if a list) | blue, brown, cyan, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow |
continents (CC) | /v1/all?continents=SA,NA | only return countries within the specified continents | string (comma separated if a list) | AF, AN, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA |
countries (ISO Alpha-3) | /v1/all?countries=USA,GBR,CHN | only return specified countries | string (comma separated if a list) | any ISO Alpha-3 country code * |
nbw | /v1/all?nbw | removes all black and white colors from the returned data | ||
prettify | /v1/all?prettify | returns the JSON in pretty print | ||
types | /v1/all?set=hex,css | only return colors in specified formats | string (comma separated if a list) | hex, rgb, hsl, css |
GET /v1/secondary?colors=purple&countries=THA&nbw&types=rgb
"Asia": {
"continentName": "Asia",
"continentCode": "AS",
"countries": {
"Thailand": {
"countryName": "Thailand",
"countryCode": "THA",
"secondary": {
"rgb": [ "rgb(42,127,255)", "rgb(188,130,207)", "rgb(255,224,0)" ],
"notes": "Colors used in the royal flags of Thailand."
GET /v1/:continent-code
Path Parameter | Example | Description | Type | Accepts |
continent-code | /v1/EU | only return countries within the specified continent | string (CC) | AF, AN, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA |
Query String Parameter | Example | Description | Type | Accepts |
colors | /v1/all?colors=green,blue | only return countries that use a certain color | string (comma separated if a list) | blue, brown, cyan, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow |
countries (ISO Alpha-3) | /v1/all?countries=BLR,MDA | only return specified countries that are within the choosen continent | string (comma separated if a list) | any ISO Alpha-3 country code * |
nbw | /v1/all?nbw | removes all black and white colors from the returned data | ||
prettify | /v1/all?prettify | returns the JSON in pretty print | ||
set | /v1/all?set=secondary | only return primary or secondary colors | string | primary, secondary |
types | /v1/all?set=hex,css | only return colors in specified formats | string (comma separated if a list) | hex, rgb, hsl, css |
GET /v1/EU?countries=LTU,NLD&types=hsl,css&set=primary
"continentName": "Europe",
"continentCode": "EU",
"countries": {
"Lithuania": {
"countryName": "Lithuania",
"countryCode": "LTU",
"primary": {
"hsl": [ "hsl(44,98%,52%)", "hsl(157,100%,21%)", "hsl(358,69%,45%)" ],
"css": [ "orange", "darkslategray", "firebrick" ]
"Netherlands": {
"countryName": "Netherlands",
"countryCode": "NLD",
"primary": {
"hsl": [ "hsl(19,100%,50%)" ],
"css": [ "orangered" ]
GET /v1/:country-code
Path Parameter | Example | Description | Type | Accepts |
country-code | /v1/USA | only return the specified country | string (ISO Alpha-3) | any ISO Alpha-3 country code * |
Query String Parameter | Example | Description | Type | Accepts |
nbw | /v1/all?nbw | removes all black and white colors from the returned data | ||
prettify | /v1/all?prettify | returns the JSON in pretty print | ||
set | /v1/all?set=secondary | only return primary or secondary colors | string | primary, secondary |
types | /v1/all?set=hex,css | only return colors in specified formats | string (comma separated if a list) | hex, rgb, hsl, css |
GET /v1/USA?nbw&types=hex
"countryName": "United States of America",
"countryCode": "USA",
"primary": {
"hex": [ "#b41d31", "#39386e" ]
"secondary": ""
* Some additional ISO Alpha-3 style codes have been added to this API to represent countries that do not have official codes. These include the following.
Country Name | Country Code |
England | ENG |
Northern Ireland | NIR |
Scotland | SCO |
Tibet | TIB |
Wales | WAL |
Australian Antarctic Claim | ATAAUS |
Argentinian Antarctic Claim | ATAARG |
Chilean Antarctic Claim | ATACHL |
French Antarctic Claim | ATAFRA |
New Zealands Antarctic Claim | ATANZL |
Norwegian Antarctic Claim | ATANOR |
British Antarctic Claim | ATAGBR |
If you feel there are any others missing or you would like something added, please raise an issue..
The data in the JSON responses from this API is mostly built using objects, even when data appears in a list-like format. The reason for this is rooted in data access.
Consider the following request and response.
GET /v1/all?colors=yellow&continents=OC&nbw&types=hex&set=secondary
"Oceania": {
"continentName": "Oceania",
"continentCode": "OC",
"countries": {
"Cook Islands": {
"countryName": "Cook Islands",
"countryCode": "COK",
"secondary": {
"hex": [ "#005a00", "#ffd700" ],
"notes": "Colors from the previous flag."
"Tuvalu": {
"countryName": "Tuvalu",
"countryCode": "TUV",
"secondary": {
"hex": [ "#00247d", "#fee014" ],
"notes": "Colors used in the flag of the Govenor-General of Tuvalu."
If you wanted to access the secondary hex color data for The Cook Islands, the easiest way would be:
const data = res.json()
data.Oceania.countries['Cook Islands'].secondary.hex // [ "#00247d", "#fee014" ]
However, if you wanted to access the secondary hex colors for each result, you would need to iterate through all of the data. In some cases, this could be alot larger than the simple example above. This is easily done with:
const data = res.json()
const hexColors = Object.values(data.Oceania.countries).map(country => country.secondary.hex) // [ [ '#005a00', '#ffd700' ], [ '#00247d', '#fee014' ] ]
As you can see, with the data set up this way you get the best of both worlds in terms of data access and iteration.
Tim Dunphy
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.