This is an implementation of SD-JWT (I-D version 05) in typescript.
No cryptographic dependencies (BYOC):
- Hasher
- Signer
- Salt Generator
Issue SD-JWT:
- Support recursive disclosures (parent object and its keys)
- Support for nested objects
- Support for arrays
- Optional: public key binding (cnf)
- Optional: decoy digest
Verify SD-JWT:
- Support recursive disclosures (parent object and its keys)
- Support for nested objects
- Support for arrays
- Optional: public key binding (cnf) check against the key binding JWT if one was provided
- Optional: decoy digest
- Holder: separate function for a holder to be able to create a key binding JWT (6.2.2)
- Issuer SD-JWT tests
- Verifier SD-JWT tests
- Tests that check compatibility with SD-JWT generated by external libs
- e2e test
- Create CommonJS and ESM builds
- Documentation
- Publish on npm
To issue or pack claims into a valid SD-JWT we use Disclosure Frame to define which properties/values should be selectively diclosable.
It follows the following format:
type ArrayIndex = number;
type DisclosureFrameSDAttributes = { _sd?: Array<string | ArrayIndex>; _sd_decoy?: number };
export type DisclosureFrame =
| ({ [key: string | ArrayIndex]: DisclosureFrame } & DisclosureFrameSDAttributes)
| DisclosureFrameSDAttributes;
is an optional property that defines the number of decoy digests to add.
const claims = {
firstname: 'John',
lastname: 'Doe'
const diclosureFrame = {
_sd: ['firstname'] // set firstname as selectively discloseable
// result
const sdjwt = {
_sd: ['LjgwZy8TNXmmPO9mNqVDtq3jiX5r3YS-P-qw2hBNYyU']
lastname: 'Doe',
const claims = {
address: {
street: '123 Main St',
suburb: 'Anytown',
postcode: '1234'
const disclosureFrame = {
address: {
// set address.street and address.suburb as selectively discloseable
_sd: ['street', 'suburb'];
// result
const sdjwt = {
address: {
_sd: [
postcode: '1234'
const claims = {
nicknames: ['Johnny', 'JD']
const disclosureFrame = {
nicknames: {
_sd: [0, 1] // index of items in 'nicknames' Array
// result
const sdjwt = {
nicknames: [
{ '...': 'yfhdm_aKTMgm666j79GoXr2mer2dBW0cFfap8iXnAzY' },
{ '...': 'EU0ORASnAlqNtRwttBXsGTISxQ6myFPMBHPE0Ds8aSE' }
const claims = {
items: [
type: 'shirt',
size: 'M'
'Water Bottle'
const disclosureFrame = {
items: {
0: {
_sd: ['size'] // `size` property of items[0]
// result
const sdjwt = {
items: [
_sd: ['7aGqCE9HepzELBi59BvxxriDiV7uiB4yHTyN1im_m4M'],
type: 'shirt'
'Water Bottle'
const claims = {
colors: [
const disclosureFrame = {
colors: {
0: {
_sd: [0, 2] // `R` and `B` in colors[0]
// result
const sdjwt = {
colors: [
{ '...': '' },
{ '...': '' }
The issueSDJWT
function takes a JWT header, payload, and disclosure frame and returns a compact SD-JWT combined with the disclosures.
As the library is unopinionated when it comes to how you want to deal with cryptographic functions, so it requires a signer and hasher function to be provided.
Optional Holder key material can be provided in cnf
options as a JWK
Optional custom generateSalt function can also be provided that will be used when creating the claims and decoy claims.
Example Using jose
lib for signer function & crypto
for hasher;
import crypto from 'crypto'
import { SignJWT, importJWK } from 'jose';
const header = {
alg: 'ES256',
kid: 'issuer-key-id'
const payload = {
iss: '',
iat: 168300000,
exp: 188300000,
sub: 'subject-id',
name: 'John Doe'
const disclosureFrame = {
_sd: ['name']
const signer = async (header, payload) => {
const issuerPrivateKey = await importJWK(ISSUER_KEYPAIR.PRIVATE_KEY_JWK, header.alg);
// Only the signature value should be returned.
return (await new SignJWT(payload).setProtectedHeader(header).sign(issuerPrivateKey)).split('.').pop();
const hasher = (data) => {
const digest = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest();
const hash = Buffer.from(digest).toString('base64url');
return Promise.resolve(hash);
// Optional
const cnf = { jwk: holderKey }
const generateSalt = generateSaltFunction
const sdjwt = await issueSDJWT(header, payload, disclosureFrame, {
hash: {
alg: 'sha-256',
callback: hasher,
// Decoded sdjwt.payload
iss: '',
iat: 168300000,
exp: 188300000,
sub: 'subject-id',
_sd: [
'jlJfq0qqkvwwgPrHh6kfzO2p7hpDYX1Mve-62bHgpHE' // HASH Digest of disclosure
// Disclosure
"WyJ2NEVHUzhKRzlTdW9TUjVGIiwibmFtZSIsIkpvaG4gRG9lIl0" // base64url encode of ["v4EGS8JG9SuoSR5F","name","John Doe"]
The verifySDJWT
function takes a Compact combined SD-JWT (include optional disclosures & KB-JWT)
Required: a verifier function that can verify the JWT signature
Required: a getHasher function that returns a Hashed depending on the _sd_alg
in the SD-JWT payload
Optional: A Keybinding Verifier function that can verify the embedded holder key
Returns SD-JWT with all the disclosed claims.
Example Using jose
lib for verifier
Uses crypto
for Hasher;
import { importJWK, jwtVerify } from 'jose';
const verifier = async (jwt) => {
const key = await getIssuerKey(); // Get SD-JWT issuer public key
return jwtVerify(jwt, key);
const keyBindingVerifier = (kbjwt, holderJWK) => {
// check against kb-jwt.aud && kb-jwt.nonce
const { header } = decodeJWT(kbjwt);
const holderKey = await importJWK(holderJWK, header.alg);
const verifiedKbJWT = await jwtVerify(kbjwt, holderKey);
return !!verifiedKbJWT;
const getHasher = (hashAlg) => {
let hasher;
// Default Hasher = Hasher for SHA-256
if (!hashAlg || hashAlg.toLowerCase() === 'sha-256') {
hasher = (data) => {
const digest = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest();
return base64encode(digest);
return Promise.resolve(hasher);
const opts = {
kb: {
verifier: keyBindingVerifier
try {
const sdJWTwithDisclosedClaims = await verifySDJWT(compactSDJWT, verifier, getHasher, opts);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Could not verify SD-JWT', e);
The unpackSDJWT
function takes a SD-JWT payload with _sd digests, array of disclosures and returns the disclosed claims
Required: a sd-jwt payload with _sd
Required: an array of Disclosure objects
Required: a getHasher function that returns a Hashed depending on the _sd_alg
in the SD-JWT payload
import crypto from 'crypto';
const getHasher = (hashAlg) => {
let hasher;
// Default Hasher = Hasher for SHA-256
if (!hashAlg || hashAlg.toLowerCase() === 'sha-256') {
hasher = (data) => {
const digest = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest();
return base64encode(digest);
return Promise.resolve(hasher);
const disclosures = [{
disclosure: 'disclosure_array_as_string', // [<salt>, <key>, <value>]
key: 'key_of_disclosed_claim',
value: 'value_of_disclosed_claim'
const sdjwt = {
_sd: [
const result = await unpackSDJWT(sdjwt, disclosures, getHasher);
The packSDJWT
function takes a claims object and disclosure frame and returns packed claims with selective disclosures encrypted.
Required: a claims object
Required: a disclosureFrame object
Required: a getHasher function that returns a Hashed depending on the _sd_alg
in the SD-JWT payload
Optional: options with custom generateSalt function used in creating claims and decoy claims \
Returns SD-JWT and an array of disclosures.
import { packSDJWT } from 'sd-jwt';
const claims = {
name: 'Jane',
ssn: '123-45-6789'
const disclosureFrame = {
_sd: ['ssn']
const hasher = hasherFunction
const options = {
generateSalt: generateSaltFunction
const {claims: packed, disclosures} = await packSDJWT(claims, disclosureFrame, hasher, options);
This will selectively disclose ssn
and return the packed claims and disclosures array.
To selectively disclose multiple claims:
const claims = {
name: 'Jane Doe',
ssn: '123-45-6789',
id: '1234'
const disclosureFrame = {
_sd: ['ssn', 'id']
const {claims: packed, disclosures} = await packSDJWT(claims, disclosureFrame, hasher);
// Results
packed = {
"name": "Jane Doe",
"_sd": [
disclosures = [
const claims = {
items: ['a', 'b', 'c']
const disclosureFrame = {
items: { _sd: [1] } // item at index 1
const {claims: packedClaims, disclosures} = await packSDJWT(claims, disclosureFrame, hasher);
// Results
packedClaims = {
items: [
"...": "b64encodedhash"
disclosures = [
"WyJzYWx0IiwgMV0=" // b64 encoded [salt, 'b']
createSDMap returns
sdMap: an object representation of the SD claims in an sd-jwt
DisclosureMap: a map of hash values to get the disclosure and its parent disclosures if the SD claim was recursively packed
const { sdMap, disclosureMap } = await createSDMap(sdjwt, hasher);
// sdMap
nationalities: [
'...': {}, // item array value (if any recursive sd is present)
_sd: 'pFndjkZ_VCzmyTa6UjlZo3dh-ko8aIKQc9DlGzhaVYo'
{ '...': {}, _sd: '7Cf6JkPudry3lcbwHgeZ8khAv1U1OSlerP0VkBJrWZ0' }
updated_at: { _sd: 'CrQe7S5kqBAHt-nMYXgc6bdt2SH5aTY1sU_M-PgkjPI' },
email: { _sd: 'JzYjH4svliH0R3PyEMfeZu6Jt69u5qehZo7F7EPYlSE' },
// disclosureMap
'JzYjH4svliH0R3PyEMfeZu6Jt69u5qehZo7F7EPYlSE': {
disclosure: 'WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtdlZBIiwgImVtYWlsIiwgImpvaG5kb2VAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iXQ',
value: '[email protected]',
parentDisclosures: []
'CrQe7S5kqBAHt-nMYXgc6bdt2SH5aTY1sU_M-PgkjPI': {
value: 1570000000,
parentDisclosures: []
'pFndjkZ_VCzmyTa6UjlZo3dh-ko8aIKQc9DlGzhaVYo': {
disclosure: 'WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5JdkNBIiwgIlVTIl0',
value: 'US',
parentDisclosures: []
'7Cf6JkPudry3lcbwHgeZ8khAv1U1OSlerP0VkBJrWZ0': {
disclosure: 'WyJuUHVvUW5rUkZxM0JJZUFtN0FuWEZBIiwgIkRFIl0',
value: 'DE',
parentDisclosures: []
git clone
npm install
npm run dev:setup
Runs against examples in test/examples
Examples are generated using sd-jwt-generate
npm run test