- What It Is
- What We Used
- Additional Dependancies
- Environment Setup
- Using the API
- Future Feature
- Authors
- Github Link
This is a back-end task manager application made with JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose.js. It allows you to create an account through the API and manage tasks that you can add, view, edit or delete. It was created with the main intention of building a Node project with a NoSql database.
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose.js
- @sendgrid/mail - used to send welcome and cancellation emails
- bcryptjs - used for hashing
- jsonwebtoken - tokens used to authentication
- multer - used for setting requirements for uploading avatars
- sharp - used to resize avatars when saving to DB
- validator - used to validate fields like email
To run locally you need must set up PORT.
Ex. PORT=3000
Must set up JWT_SECRET for auth must be set to unique secret value.
Ex. JWT_SECRET=2e8n@wmeoX!hV
Must set SENDGRID_API_KEY to a valid sendgrid api key to use its email capabilities.
Must set MONGOBD_URL to connect to db.
Ex. MONGODB_URL=mongodb://
Main URL: https://mehul-task-manager.herokuapp.com/
- Create user account - POST /users - name, email and password are required
- Read user account info - GET /users/me - Auth required (jwt)
- Update user account - PATCH /users/me - Auth required (jwt)
- Delete user account - DELETE /users/me - Auth required (jwt)
- Login user - POST /users/login - email and password must be provided
- Logout user (most recent session only) - POST /users/logout - Auth required (jwt)
- Logout user from all instances - POST /users/logoutall - Auth required (jwt)
- Add user avatar - POST /users/me/avatar - Auth required (jwt)
- Delete user avatar - DELETE /users/me/avatar - Auth required (jwt)
- View users avatar by user id - GET /users/:id/avatar - requires users id
Create new task - POST /tasks - requires auth and task description optional completed value can be provided.
Read task by task id - GET /tasks/:id - requires tasks id and Auth
Update task by id - PATCH /tasks/:id - requires tasks id and Auth
Delete task by id - DELETE /tasks/:id - requires tasks id and Auth
Read all tasks (queries available) - GET /tasks? - requires Auth, all queries are optional
Query options available:
completed=false - can search by completed field, either true or false
limit=1 - can limit number of results sent back
skip=1 - can skip results
sortBy=desc - can sort results in ascending or descending order
The main goal was to work with a NoSQL database and build a simple API that could be used for a task manager application. Users can create accounts, login, logout, add and delete profile avatars as well as create and manage tasks they create. It completes all of the main objectives and I feel confident building and maintaining a NoSQL database now.
- A front-end UI so users can interact directly with the API.
- Ability to make tasks public so other users can view them.
- Add more options to task collection, a location and time due for example.