Releases: Meshiest/heightmap2brs
Releases · Meshiest/heightmap2brs
0.6.1 - Clear Images and Interrupt Generation
Glow flag, new save writer
Now using @voximity's brickadia-rs instead of brickadia's brs for writing saves.
Gui Slider Fixes
Fixes swapped slider values in the heightmap gui (thanks @mraware)
Gui Fixes
0.3.8 - Linear RGB
0.3.7 - Microbricks and More!
Added microbrick support via --micro
Added studded bricks support via --stud
Added fake owner insertion and transparency support
--cull will remove perfectly transparent bricks
0.3.6 - HD Heightmaps
Adds support for HD heightmaps exceeding the previous PNG8/Stacked heightmap limitation. Special thanks to @Kmschr for the feature and the GeoTIFF2Heightmap tool!
img2brick ability
adds a new flag (-i or --img) to use the program as an img2brick. simply run heightmap image.png -i
and render images as flat heightmaps!