The deployment process is based on Python 3.9+ scripts. It is recommended to setup a virtual environment first.
With venv:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
With pyenv (get it here):
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.15 composer
pyenv activate composer
With (mini)conda (get it here):
conda create --name composer python=3.9
conda activate composer
Optional: install docker and docker-compose (get it here)
docker and docker-compose is needed to build and run the composer and database images on a Docker virtual environment. This step is an optional step
cd backend
# make sure your virtual env is activated
# and install the requirements
pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
# run the migrations
python3 migrate
# run the development server (https)
python3 runsslserver
the command below will start a docker container that maps/uses the backend folder into the container. It will also start the Django development server with DEBUG=True
BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up --build
to stop:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml down
The git repository comes with some sample NLP data. This data can be ingested using the "ingest_nlp_sentence" management command
cd backend
python3 ingest_nlp_sentence ./composer/resources/nlp_connectivity_20221025.csv
The git repository comes with some sampleAnatomical Entities data. This data can be ingested using the "ingest_anatomical_entities" management command
cd backend
python3 ingest_anatomical_entities ./composer/resources/anatomical_entities.csv
there will be a superuser created with username/password: admin/admin
browse the Django admin interface
For generating the frontend api client use the openapi generator isntall:
npm install -g @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
and then run
cd frontend
browse to ORCID dev tools and create a new api configure with the new key and secret
Running on docker with docker-compose the command below will start two docker containers: backend server and database server the backend server has a persistent disk connected for it's media files the database server has a persistent disk connected for the data
docker-compose up --build
to stop:
docker-compose down
there will be a superuser created with username/password: admin/admin
browse the Django admin interface