The following is the documentation for the development of the website of Politecnico Student Team 'Mi Lego Al Territorio'.
- The website is developed using HUGO
- The format to represent data is YAML
- SASS is used instead of CSS
- The design is desktop-first, since the more complicated front-end logic is on a wide screen layout
- For icons it is Flaticon website and (for the moment) only the social icons are from thethe Font Awesome CDN
acronym | meaning |
ds | stands for desktop |
mb | stand for mobile |
Each page has a common structure:
- a header
- a menu
- the remaining available space is for the content and the footer
- the content is the only part that changes between pages
- on ds:
- fixed at the top of the page, even when scrolling
- it contains
- hamburger menu
- title
- logo
- on mb:
- shrinks on scroll
- it contains:
- hamburger menu
- title or page title
- when the hamburger menu is clicked it turns into an 'X' and viceversa
- the structure of the menu is defined in each page
- on ds:
- it is split in 2 parts:
- icons linking to each page
- names for each icon
- by default it shows only the icon part
- when hovering over it, the names slide out over the content and stays open until the mouse goes away from the icons or the names
- when the hamburger menu is an 'X', the names are slided out and the content and the footer shrink
- the opening and closing of the menu are based on the pattern checkbox-label-sibling in CSS
- the state of the menu is saved in localStorage to provide a better UX when changing between pages
- it is split in 2 parts:
- on mb:
- by default it's hidden
- when the hamburger menu is an 'X', both parts of the menus slide in
- it fills up the available space on the screen
- on ds:
- it shrinks and enlarges adjusting to the menu
- except for the home page it display the title of the website
- stays at the bottom of the page and always under the content
- it is not fixed like the header but it moves when scrolling
- it shows the link for the info email and the icons to social pages
- The following is the tree structure of the content folder, where each subfolder maps to a page of the website.
- Each page is a HUGO leaf bundle (in future some pages could become branch bundles), so there needs to be a file.
- Each contains the general content for the page.
- Each data file contains a
field just to avoid showing the files in the cms
- homepage
- Text for the "about" section
- frontmatter:
- title: page title
- activityAreas: areas the education acvitity (sismico, idraulico, ...)
- activityAreaIcons: icon CSS class for the area
- body: initial text for the page
- contains
- title: just for CMS visualization, not relevant to website
- type
- area
- icon
- min
- body
- images in assets/didattica/areaN/stepN/ (for the moment)
- each file contains data for a single event
- title
- place
- date
- imgPath (absolute)
- body is description
- need to define eventCard partial to be accessed also from home page
- each file contains data for a partner
- title
- link
- imgPath (absolute)
- one .md files for each model with its data:
- title
- icon
- imgPath (absolute)
- body is description
- each file contains data for a single team
- title
- icon
- members
- name
- link
- body is description
- baseof
- header, menu, footer since is equal for all pages
- index
- define body of home
- one for each page
- eventCard: display event info
- image: renders
- motto
- team description
- mails: a key-value list providing the different mails of the team (e.g. info, coordinatore)
- social: a key-value list providin the links to social pages of the team. Each value provides the link and the name of the FA icon
The following is the directory tree of the assets/sass folder. It contains all the sass modules needed. To implement more easily media query the library include-media is used.
|--/common -> a file with the style for each elements common to every page
|--/pages -> a file with the style for each page with its specific elements
|--base.scss -> contains default style for HTML tags and includes other modules
|--config.scss -> contains sass variables and mixins
Until the website doesn't need some back-end feature, for example the quiz game, it will be hosted on Netlify linked to its github repo. We chose Netlify because:
- it is a free solid platform
- it is built for the JAM-stack and pairs up greatly with HUGO
- supports an efficient way to store images using its Large Media feature
- provides with a free SSL certificate from "Let's Encrypt"
- let us use a costum url
- has great implementation with netlify cms
Once the website will need a back-end feature will evaluate different options, for now the main candidates are Firebase, an abstraction of Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.
At the moment our deployment implements these mecanism of CI/CD pipelining:
- locally before commiting a pre-commit hook checks the formatting of the code and prevents non formatted code to commit
- on every push Netlify deploys a new preview of the site and a github action sends a message to a slack channel with the url of the deploy
- at every deploy start/end thanks to a webhook of netlify and a little nodeJS app on heroku a message is sent on slack
- every night a github action checks if some events became past, if so it redelpoys the entire site on netlify
- write documentation
- hugo base setup
- base template (header, menu, footer)
- deploy to fake url
- pages with img placeholders
- adding imgs
- add netlify CMS
- pipes to add automatic content
- optimizing imgs inside HUGO
- deploy to real url
- optimizing SEO
- docs to explain how to add content
- optimizing imgs outside HUGO (if necessary)
- other functionalities
- quiz
- ...
- start with base website and then optimize
- Images (Netlify Large Media)
- Automation (Github Actions)
- accessible content management by non-dev users (Integromat)
- use picture tag instead of img tag
- CSS blur on 20x20 and the load asynchronously
- use webP and PNG