Item was closed because it was inactive
Being reviewed by the documentation team
Assign to issues that are spam, trolling, or that otherwise violate Microsoft's code of conduct.
Do not merge PR while this label is present
Something is out of date, unclear, confusing, or broken in the article. Blocks customer success.
Suggested additions/improvements to the article, but there is no evidence the customer was blocked.
The issue is a request to collaborate on or contribute new documentation.
The issue contains feedback about the experience or design.
A duplicate of another piece of feedback.
In review by Magic PubOps
Item has been inactive and is marked for closure
Issue exists in localized version of topic but not the English version.
The triager, author, or product team has requested the customer provide more information.
Expert at Microsoft who works with enterprise customers to deploy Office
Feedback specific to product, not documentation. Forwarded to product team for review.
The issue contains feedback about the product itself.
Question about product capability or functionality.
A support-style question where the customer needs help with solving a problem.