Includes relatively simple projects
- Emails a user when price fals below a specific range
- Looks for change in the price class of the provided flipkart Link
- If its lower than the input it activates the url shortner API and email client
- Then emails with the heading of the Product and set price. And body contains the link and price.
- If its lower than the input it activates the url shortner API and email client
- Refer to Flipkart Jupyter File for more explaination
This is a simple doomsday calculation algorithm that will tell you the day it will be for the given date
Not to be confused with the Doomsday Clock
- The program is not tested for all years and dates so problems may occur I’m not sure
- The jupyter Notebook includes the following:
- An anchor year checker
- Doomsday Calculation using modules
‘Test Things’ includes
- Files used to make the python file itself.
- Division of parts based on use for easy modification.
Creates new soduku puzzles and has the ability to solves them. I no longer remember doing it but it works.
Is able to recognize images based on the training data provided.
Uses the MNIST dataset
for training and testing. And is a simple neural network that uses the backpropagation algorithm to train itself.
It is not very accurate but it works!
Uses sklearn
and matplotlib
to extract the color pallete of an image. sklearn
is used to cluster the colors and matplotlib
is used to display the colors.
A world built using sine waves