B-Tree Implementation in secundary-memory/disk-memory
This implementation was based on the approach taken with B-Trees in the book:
Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition - Cormen, 2011
Methods Implementaded:
- Crete B-Tree
- Insertion
- Search
- Deletion
- Print tree
- Destroy tree
- Find Max
- Find Min
File management and B-tree storage:
The implementation stores all the b-tree nodes in a binary file, and constantly writes and reads from the said file in order to add new ones and to update the nodes information.
The file created is organized and treated like an array, the tree keeps track of the file positions already taken and where each node is by giving a new position to a node each time a new one is created.
To access directly to the node in the file fseek() is used to "jump" directly to the node location in the file, witch gives the file "array like properties", once the file pointer is pointing to the desired position freed() is used to read the content and fwrite() to write new content to that location.
The file is only closed and eliminated if the B-tree is destroid.
When an item is being inserted in a leaf that is curently full, before inserting, a check is made while trasversing down the tree to see of the is the previous nodes are also full and if yes, they get splitted, this garantees that when a full leaf is reached and a split is aplyied the parent node is able to recieve the key that will be promoted.
Starts in the root, compares its keys values with the one to be found, if not there, dives further in the tree following the right child. The process e repeated until a leaf without containning the item is reached or the item is found in witch case it returns its position in the file.
A queue is created, it will hold all the tree nodes in a given order for later printing.
The tree is printed from the root to the leafs, to achieve this, the root is inserted in the queue, then her children and then the children´s children until all the nodes are covered. At the end of each "level" of the tree a marker is inserted in the queue to mark the end of that level
While the above process is happenning the items already in queue are being removed and its keys printed.
Note: I will also provide a queue implementation.