Interactive infographic of Global COVID-19 statistics, updated daily.
Choose any Country, Continent or Global, by Income Group. Also choose your date range.
Choose any Country, Continent or Global, by Income Group. Also choose your date range.
Link to interactive explorer DataViz
Choose any Country, Continent or Global, choose any date.
Link to interactive infographic
Choose any Country, Continent or Global, by Income Group. Also choose your date range.
Link to interactive explorer DataViz
View all Countries, Choose any Country, Continent or Global, sort by any column.
Link to interactive explorer DataViz
The Excess Death Toll charts are also available as vertical scrolling pages, which gives a more detailed perspective. A page has been created for these countries:
Statistics on COVID-19 cases, Vaccinations etc using data from Our World In Data, for every country/location.
For the Vaccination infographic, following the visualisation design of Marta Fioni, as featured on the UK government equivalent dashboard.
For the Impact of Vaccination analysis, following the visualisation design of John Burn-Murdoch, as featured in the Financial Times.
For Deaths vs Vaccinations scatter chart, inspired by a graphic in the NY Times article: U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 700,000 Despite Wide Availability of Vaccines.
Categorisation of Countries into Income Groups is drawn from their latest classifaction present in the World Income Inequality Database (WIID) - UNU-WIDER, World Income Inequality Database (WIID). Version 31 May 2021.
The Excess Death Toll chart was inspired by a NY Times visualisation, showing each death as a small black point. The data source is the Short-Term Mortality Fluctuations dataset from the Human Mortality Database. To provide contrast to the Date axis, a random spread is introduced on the other axis.
This project seeks to boil down the many figures on covid, vaccinations etc into easily digested infographics.
On Vaccinations, the key questions in my mind are:
- How many people are protected?
- How many to go?
I started with a more detailed project for Australia. But the reality is that our challenge is global - vaccinating only selected populations will not control COVID-19. So this project has a global scope - any country/location or combination can be quickly compared on a "like-for-like" basis.
The "waffle chart" visual chosen by Marta presents the vaccination data, standardised by the population of various Geographies. Geographies of wildly differing populations (e.g. North America vs Australia) can be easily compared.
The Impact of Vaccination page contrasts two key statistics - Cases vs Deaths. Vaccinations reduce the number of cases somewhat, but should dramatically reduce the number of deaths that follow.
The Stringency Index curated by is presented as a quick summary of trends in restrictions and public health.
The Deaths vs Vaccinations page compares countries by deaths (per 2 million population, to help compare countries of different sizes) against their latest % fully vaccinated. You can filter the Countries by Income Group, Continent, Countries and population ranges to come up with any combination of countries desired. You can also adjust the date range.
For the Excess Deaths (Toll and Context pages), I started from the HMD dataset of weekly deaths by Country. I derive the weekly growth for 2015-2019 and project the counts for 2020 onwards using the growth (or decline). This is standardised by the Age Groups available in the HMD data, to reflect the demographic mix more accurately. The result is considered "Expected Deaths".
I then subtract "Expected Deaths" from the Total Deaths, for 2020 onwards, to get "Excess Deaths". Negative results are not shown in the dot plot.
The results are very similar to the analysis of "Excess mortality" presented by OWID. But having effectively reconstituted the data from the detailed level, alternative visualisations become possible.
An explorer page presents the Vaccination data for many countries at once for quick comparisons, featuring an interactive table. Click the column headings to sort, use the slicer controls on the right to select.
The data is presented in an interactive data visualisation tool: Power BI. This allows interactive filtering of the data (e.g. by Geography or Date), and includes supporting charts and data tables on the 2nd page.
The dataviz is refreshed automatically, roughly every 6 hours.
I have similar projects running for other specific countries, in more detail:
- Australia (select country, state or territory)
- New Zealand (select country, or Area/DHB) - discontinued after the source data was withdrawn
Vaccination dataset citation: Mathieu, E., Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina, E. et al. A global database of COVID-19 vaccinations. Nat Hum Behav (2021).
Videos produced using this project can be freely downloaded and resused, according to the MIT license for this project.
Contributions, issues, feature requests and sponsorship are all welcome!
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