This application visualizes five different pathfinding algorithms and five maze generation algorithms. You can visualize one algorithm at a time or you can visualize multiple algorithms at the same time. Up to four grid will be available and in each grid you can have a maze generation algorithm and a pathfinding algorithm assigned to it.
Each grid is an instance of a Table class. You can find the code of the class in 'src/js/TableClass.js'. Operations like activating a grid, deactivating the grid, cleaning the grid and also assigning different algols to a grid is handled via designated methods in the Table class.
Also You can find the code for all the algorithms in 'src/js/GraphAlgos.js' and the main logic and workflow of the website could be found in 'src/js/Main.js'.
- Breadth-first-search
- Depth-first search
- Dijkstra’s algorithm
- A* algorithm
- greedy best-first search algorithm
- recursive backtracker algorithm
- recursive division algorithm
- randomized prim’s algorithm
- two simple matrix traversal algorithm.