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Raygun for Blazor



NuGet Package manager

The best way to install Raygun is to use the NuGet package manager. Right-click on your project and select "Manage NuGet Packages....". Navigate to the Browse tab, then use the search box to find Raygun.Blazor and install it.

.NET Cli

To install the latest version:

dotnet add package Raygun.Blazor

Alternatively, you can specify a version tag to install a specific version of the package. See Raygun.Blazor NuGet Gallery page for information on available versions.

dotnet add package Raygun.Blazor --version x.y.z


See the packages Blazor WebAssembly, Blazor Server and MAUI Blazor Hybrid for specific setup instructions depending on the project type.

Raygun Settings

Raygun for Blazor uses the appsettings.json to load configuration settings.

RaygunSettings will be obtained from the configuration section name Raygun.

For example:

  "Raygun": {
    "ApiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "CatchUnhandledExceptions": "false",
    "LogLevel": "Debug"

For all configuration values, check the RaygunSettings class under src/Raygun.Blazor/RaygunSettings.cs.

See Configuration in ASP.NET Core to learn more about managing application settings.

Initialize the client

Inject the RaygunBlazorClient in your code:

@inject RaygunBlazorClient raygunClient;

And call to raygunClient.InitializeAsync() at least once.

This method should be called as early as possible in the course of using the app. The best place to do it is inside the OnAfterRenderAsync method of the main layout page. However, it will also be called automatically before sending any exceptions, just in case.

Recording an error

To send an exception to Raygun call to raygunClient.RecordExceptionAsync(...)

This method accepts the following arguments:

  • ex: The Exception to send back to Raygun.
  • userDetails: Optional. Attach user details to exception, takes priority over IRaygunUserProvider.
  • tags: Optional. User-specified tags that should be applied to the error.
  • userCustomData: Optional. Any custom data that you like sent with the report to assist with troubleshooting.
  • cancellationToken: Optional. A CancellationToken to allow you to cancel the current request, if necessary.

Recording a breadcrumb

Records a Breadcrumb to help you track what was going on in your application before an error occurred.

Call to raygunClient.RecordBreadcrumb(...);

This method accepts the following arguments:

  • message: The message you want to record for this Breadcrumb.
  • type: The BreadcrumbType for the message. Defaults to BreadcrumbType.Manual.
  • category: A custom value used to arbitrarily group this Breadcrumb.
  • customData: Any custom data you want to record about application state when the Breadcrumb was recorded.

Stack traces and portable debug data

Raygun for Blazor attaches both stack traces and the necessary info for portable debug data automatically.

Blazor stack traces

Exceptions originating within the Blazor environment should contain a stack trace attached. For details, check the "Raw Data" tab on the Raygun error report. The stack trace is contained inside error.stackTrace property.

For example:

"error": {
  "className": "System.DivideByZeroException",
  "message": "Attempted to divide by zero.",
  "stackTrace": [
      "className": "Raygun.Samples.Blazor.Server.Components.Pages.Sample",
      "columnNumber": 75,
      "fileName": "...\\src\\Raygun.Samples.Blazor.Server\\Components\\Pages\\Sample.razor",
      "ilOffset": 5,
      "lineNumber": 13,
      "methodName": "",
      "methodToken": 100663352
    // ...

This also works for exceptions originating in Blazor WebAssembly applications. For example, this exception captured on WebAssembly:

"error": {
  "className": "System.DivideByZeroException",
  "message": "Attempted to divide by zero.",
  "stackTrace": [
      "className": "Raygun.Samples.Blazor.WebAssembly.ViewModels.CounterViewModel",
      "columnNumber": 17,
      "fileName": "...\\src\\Raygun.Samples.Blazor.WebAssembly\\ViewModels\\CounterViewModel.cs",
      "ilOffset": 34,
      "lineNumber": 48,
      "methodName": "IncrementCountAsync",
      "methodToken": 100663343
    // ...

JavaScript stack traces

Exceptions happening in the JavaScript side of a Blazor application should contain a stack trace referring to the JavaScript code that caused the error.

For example:

ReferenceError: undefinedfunction3 is not defined
at causeErrors (https://localhost:7254/myfunctions.js:10:9)
at window.onmessage (https://localhost:7254/:21:17)

Portable debug data (PDB)

Raygun for Blazor supports debugging reports using PDB files when running on Blazor Server and MAUI applications. The necessary image information will be attached automatically to error reports.

The debug data can be found in the error.images property:

"error": {
  "className": "System.DivideByZeroException",
  "images": [
      "signature": "a93d65be-ba53-4743-a1a5-4743716b7a42",
      "checksum": "SHA256:BE653DA953BA4337A1A54743716B7A42A678F57568949BE3C375DB0BABF8EC35",
      "file": "...\\src\\Raygun.Samples.Blazor.Server\\obj\\Debug\\net8.0\\Raygun.Samples.Blazor.Server.pdb",
      "timestamp": "A1E84548"
    // ...

You can learn more about Portable PDB Support on Raygun's .Net Framework documentation.

Environment details

Raygun for Blazor captures environment details differently depending on the platform where the error originated.

The availability of each environment detail properties depend on the platform itself, so some of them may not be always available.

For more information, you can check the EnvironmentDetails.cs file.

Browser environment details

When the application is running on a browser, for example when using Blazor WebAssembly, or when running MAUI Blazor Hybrid applications on mobile, the attached environment details are obtained from the browser layer on the client side.

For example:

"environment": {
  "browser-Height": 982,
  "browserName": "Mozilla",
  "browser-Width": 1512,
  "color-Depth": 24,
  // etc ...

Server environment details

When the application is running on a server machine, for example when using Blazor Server, or when running MAUI Blazor Hybrid applications on desktop, the attached environment details are obtained from the operating system of the running platform.

For example:

"environment": {
  "architecture": "X64",
  "availablePhysicalMemory": 1,
  "cpu": "X64",
  "deviceName": "WINDOWS-PC",
  // etc ...

The client side environment details from the browser, if available, will be also attached as part of the User Custom Data under BrowserEnvironment:

"userCustomData": {
  "BrowserEnvironment": {
    "browser-Height": 1392,
    "browser": "Google",
    "browserName": "Chrome",
    "browser-Version": "129.0.6668.100",
    "browser-Width": 2560,
    // etc ...

Attaching user details

Raygun for Blazor provides two ways to attach user details to error reports:

  1. Provide UserDetails in the RecordExceptionAsync method call.
  2. Implement a IRaygunUserProvider.

User details class

The following properties can be provided as user details:

  • UserId: Unique identifier for the user is the user identifier.
  • IsAnonymous: Flag indicating if the user is anonymous or not.
  • Email: User's email address.
  • FullName: User's full name.
  • FirstName: User's first name (what you would use if you were emailing them - "Hi {{firstName}}, ...")
  • DeviceId: Device unique identifier. Useful if sending errors from a mobile device.

All properties are strings except isAnonymous, which is a boolean. As well, they are all optional.

User details in RecordExceptionAsync

The simplest way to attach user details to an error report, is to do it when calling to RecordExceptionAsync.

Pass a UserDetails object to the method call:

var userDetails = new UserDetails() { Email = "[email protected]", FullName = "Test User", UserId = "123456" };

await RaygunClient.RecordExceptionAsync(ex, userDetails);

Implementing IRaygunUserProvider

Providing an instance of IRaygunUserProvider to the Raygun Blazor client allows you to attach user details also to errors reported automatically, for example, captured unhandled exceptions or exceptions from the JavaScript layer.

Implement an IRaygunUserProvider, for example:

public class MyUserProvider : IRaygunUserProvider
    public Task<UserDetails?> GetCurrentUser()
        return Task.FromResult(new UserDetails());

And inject it into the Raygun Blazor client:

builder.Services.AddSingleton<IRaygunUserProvider, MyUserProvider>();

For a complete example on how to implement a IRaygunUserProvider with the AuthenticationStateProvider check the example project file src/Raygun.Samples.Blazor.WebAssembly/Program.cs.

Background processing

You can enable a throttled background message processor for the Raygun provider by setting the UseBackgroundQueue to true.

  "Raygun": {
    "UseBackgroundQueue": true

Background processing is disabled by default.

You can adjust the following background processor settings as well:

  • BackgroundMessageQueueMax to set the maximum queue size.
  • BackgroundMessageWorkerCount to set the maximum number of workers.
  • BackgroundMessageWorkerBreakpoint to set a threshold on when a new worker will be added.

Check the RaygunSettings class for a complete documentation of these parameters and their default values.

Modifying or cancelling requests

The RaygunClient exposes the OnBeforeSend event listener, which allows you to modify or cancel error message requests before they are sent to Raygun.

To cancel sending a request, set the Cancel property to false inside your listener:

RaygunClient.OnBeforeSend += (sender, args) =>
  // Example of how to cancel sending a message to Raygun
  if (args.Request.Details.Error.Message == "Cancel me")
    // If the error message is "Cancel me"
    // then cancel the send
    args.Cancel = true;

As well, you can modify the Request payload:

RaygunClient.OnBeforeSend += (sender, args) =>
  args.Request.Details.Error.Message = "Changed message";

Offline storage configuration

Raygun for Blazor supports storing error reports when they can't be sent, for example, if the communication between the server and Raygun is interrupted.

You can enable offline storage support by setting the UseOfflineStore to true.

  "Raygun": {
    "UseOfflineStore": true

Offline storage is disabled by default.

You can adjust the following offline store settings as well:

  • DirectoryName to set the folder to store crash reports, relative to the system local application data.
  • MaxOfflineFiles to set the maximum number of stored reports, defaults to 50.

For example:

  "Raygun": {
    "UseOfflineStore": true,
    "DirectoryName": "MyApp",
    "MaxOfflineFiles": 100

With this configuration, Raygun will store a maximum of 100 Raygun offline reports under C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\MyApp.

Internal logger

Raygun for Blazor uses an internal logger to help facilitate the integration of the package. The default log level is "Warning". To completely disable the internal logger, set the "LogLevel" setting to "None".

For example:

  "Raygun": {
    "LogLevel": "None"

For all configuration values, check the RaygunLogLevel enum under src/Raygun.Blazor/Logging/RaygunLogLevel.cs.