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Libsy Task For Vintage Market App 📱

This Flutter application is a solution for the Libsy Technical Assignment. It implements a feature to display user orders, divided into Purchases and Sales, retrieved from a provided API. The app adheres to the Libsy design language while ensuring functional and visually appealing interfaces.

Languages and frameworks 📑

  • Flutter: version 3.24.5
  • Dart

Packages & Plugins 🔎

  • flutter_dotenv : For managing environment variables (like api token) securely.
  • http : For making HTTP requests to fetch data from APIs.
  • Flutter Bloc : For propper state management handling
  • Fast Cahced Network Image : For efficient image caching and loading.
  • Path Provider : For accessing file system paths like temporary directories.
  • Equatable : For simplifying equality comparisons in Dart objects.
  • Flutter Screenutil : For building responsive layouts across devices.
  • smooth page indicator : For creating smooth and stylish page indicators.

Features 🥇

  • Order Listing: Displays user purchases and sales in separate sections.
  • Includes item details such as name, buyer/seller information, and order status.
  • Order Details: Allows users to view more detailed information about a specific order.
  • Dynamic API Integration: Fetches data from the provided API, with proper handling of loading states.
  • Intuitive UI Design: Follows modern app design principles inspired by libsy.

IDEs 💻

  • VS code
  • Android Studio

Get the App 📱

  • Get the apk of the app from Drive

Setup 💽

To get a local copy up and running, follow these instructions.


  • Flutter SDK: Ensure Flutter is installed on your system. Follow Flutter installation guide
  • Android Studio or Visual Studio Code for development and testing.
  • clone the repository
  • Ensure your device's Intrenet are enabled.
  • Define the api key at the .env file
  • and run the app on any plugged android physical device or emulator.


   # Clone the repository
   git clone

   cd libsy_technical_assignment
   # Install dependencies
   flutter pub get
   # Run the application on an physical device or emulator 
   flutter run
   # Build the APK
   flutter build apk --release

Project Structure

 └── lib/
     ├── api/
     │   └── order_api.dart
     ├── core/
     │   ├── router/...
     │   └── theme/
     │       ├── app_colors.dart
     │       └── text_styles.dart
     ├── models/
     │   ├── responses/
     │   │   └── orders_response.dart
     │   ├── item.dart
     │   ├── order.dart
     │   ├── profile.dart
     │   └── sale.dart
     ├── logic/
     │   └── cubit/
     │       ├── orders_cubit.dart
     │       └── orders_state.dart
     ├── views/
     │   ├── screens/
     │   │   ├── order_details_screen.dart
     │   │   ├── orders_screen.dart
     │   │   └── splash_screen.dart
     │   └── widgets/
     │       ├── avatars/...
     │       ├── components/...
     │       ├── shimmers/...
     │       └── tiles/...
     └── main.dart

ScreenShots 🖼️


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