This project is an implementation of the classic Tetris game in the C programming language following the MVC model, featuring two different interfaces: SDL and Ncurses. The game provides an engaging experience for players who enjoy the timeless challenge of arranging falling tetrominoes.
- Classic Tetris gameplay
- Two different interfaces: SDL and Ncurses
- User-friendly controls
- Score tracking and level progression
Ensure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Compile the Files:
- Run the SDL version:
./tetris sdl
- Run the NCurses version:
./tetris txt
← and →: Move the piece ,
↑: Rotate (clockwise?) the piece,
SPACE: Immediately drop the piece,
ESC: Exit the game prematurely,
P: Pause the game (any P to resume),
C: to put the current piece in a reseve for a later use.
- Mohamed Boughariou
- Tangi Le Henaff