Queering MozFest
Experience description
Oh deer! This year, we are opening a queer territory at MozFest.
Across the main six spaces, we are exploring how Internet issues intersect with our gender and our sexuality. Drawing on a queer perspective, we will reflect on the relationships between technology and the processes of normalisation and marginalisation.
Queering MozFes…
Experience description
Oh deer! This year, we are opening a queer territory at MozFest.
Across the main six spaces, we are exploring how Internet issues intersect with our gender and our sexuality. Drawing on a queer perspective, we will reflect on the relationships between technology and the processes of normalisation and marginalisation.
Queering MozFest is staging interventions that invite queer-identified and -allied attendees to craft safe spaces for other queer attendees to convene, reflect, and relax. Fostering thought-provoking experiences throughout the festival, this queer experiment aims at stimulating our imagination while resisting normalisation.