The Real Time Pixel is a game that allows people to add pixel to a canvas to create a collaborative image. Each pixel can be placed after few seconds and pixels have a degradation making them disappear after a few time.
- Practice Docker: Dev/Prod
- Create a distributed system: Web Server, WebSocket Server, Redis Server, etc
- Create a real-time simple application using
The project is divided in three services: frontend
, backend
and shared
The folder services
contains all the services that will be deployed. The shared
folder contains logics, constants and models shared between each side of the application.
The frontend service is built in a Docker container relying on Vite.js while developing and hosted on an NGINX image when in production. The Vite.js is coming with the SolidJS framework allowing quick iteration while developing. The Docker's image is composed of volumes allowing direct access to the developer's computer. The result is a hot-reload of the browser in under two seconds every time a TypeScript file is saved.
The frontend fetches all the pixels for the current board and when the user is clicking to set a new pixel, have a form to create or log in. Once the user is identified, a socket connection opens to communicate between the frontend and backend. The socket allows pushing new pixels but also receiving all pixels from every change performed by every user in real-time on the website.
The backend is configured on a separate Docker's file. The Docker relies on an Express webserver hosted in a NodeJS server that refreshes every TypeScript save at development time. In production, the server remains with a NodeJS server without monitoring.
The shared folder is not a service by itself. However, the two services rely on the shared folder. To make it works with different Docker image, we are relying on the paths
configuration of TypeScript. The paths
create aliases that can be used when importing files using an absolute path. Further detail can be found in this blog post and in this blog post.
All environment variables are defined in the .env
file at the root of the project. The backend service can access the .env
using the dotenv
library. However, the frontend service cannot because the browser executes the JavaScript generated, which does not have a link to the file on the backend. Therefore, there are few solutions like relying on SolidJS's framework for special prefixed variables. However, to avoid having a framework-specific variable name, the solution used is to have a Python script to compute a TypeScript constant that has all the keys and values.
While developing or publishing, the project must have Docker built and running. Docker will map volumes to the developer machine when in development, allowing quick changes to be picked up by Node (backend and frontend). The two Docker containers run NodeJS and in production, run NodeJS for the backend and NGINX to serve the frontend files. The Docker image builds the code in all environments and runs scripts (e.g., generating environment variables). Hence, the paths in TypeScript's configuration, in package.json, and inside the script are all relative to Docker's file system. Therefore, they are intended to be used inside Docker.
The system relies on the JWT token. An access token and a refresh token are generated when the user is authenticated. Every operation requires the user to pass the access token. The access token is then verified and, if valid, will unpack the user id
and email
. If the access token has expired, the user will be notified. The user will need to send a request with the refresh token to update the access token.
The security pattern is the same for HTTP requests (Rest API) and with WebSocket ( In both cases, the routes (or operations) leverage middlewares. If one of the middleware finds a problem, it returns a response with a message indicating the authentication reason for the failure to proceed on the desired request.
The project relies on Docker-Compose to develop locally. The Compose file contains the configuration to have the three container up and running with the proper network bridges between the container.
For MacOS, any terminal works. However, for Windows, Powershell is required as the WSL has issue with the backend service failing with:
exited with code 243
- At the root of this project run:
docker-compose build
The build will get all the root image (NGINX, Node, etc) and install all the NPM modules.
- Run the project:
docker-compose up
Executing the command up
starts the server depending on the environment variables.
- Modify the source code. Look at the
file to know which port is open.
If you are using MacOS, change the /etc/host
add an entry for sideproject
. If you are under Windows, change the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
file. sideproject
Having a DNS name instead of direct IP simplify the CORS issue between the frontend and backend (mostly when using sockets).
Run on MacOs:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker-compose build
on Windows (PowerShell)
docker-compose build
This will give some UUID for each step. Use the UUID for the step to debug with this command:
docker run -it <uuid> bash
If the build was successful, we can use the image name.
docker run -it realtimepixel_backend:latest bash
docker run -it realtimepixel_frontend:latest bash
The backend NodeJS server listens to the VsCode default debugging port when running Docker in the development environment. Hence, the step needed is to attach the debugger using the configuration Docker: Attach to Node
from the launch.json
file. Then, running the code will hit any of your breakpoints. Breakpoints can be set directly to .ts
file from the services/backend/src/**
files. It works because we have the generation of map files in the tsconfig.json
Extract the names
from this command:
docker container ls
The name should be the in the format : <directory>_<service name>_1
There are two networks defined in the docker-compose.yml file. It's possible with the following commands to know which containers are part of which networks.
docker network ls
docker network inspect realtimepixel_frontend_net
docker network inspect realtimepixel_backend_net
See the official Docker's Networking Tutorial for more information.
You can install and use locally:
npm install -g redis-commander
redis-commander -p 9898
Then go to
The production build uses the docker-compose.yml
configuration without the development configuration docker-compose.override.yml
and with the docker-compose.production.yml
. In a nutshell, production leverage the multi-stage and when there is the NODE_ENV=production
environment variable will not use local mounting and will host file the static files on Nginx instead of the SolidJS Node server.
The .env
file needs to be changed with a production
docker-compose build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml up
Currently, there is no email service to validate the account. Hence, using the redis-commander
is required to change the JSON object of the user and set the emailValidated
to true
. However, by default, there is a test
email (not a valid email) that has the password 123123
to quickly develop the solution.¤
Kubernetes with Helm Chart is used to configure the infrastructure of the project. Kubernetes will use the production
version of the images and host them on Microsoft Azure.
The Help Chart was generated after using Kubernetes directly. The initial production.yaml file does not exist anymore in favor of the project Heml Chart. If a change is needed, the following commands are useful:
- To check the syntax:
helm lint
- Test installation:
helm install realtimepixel . --dry-run --debug
The following steps assume the usage of Windows Powershell.
Only the first step is required once. All the other steps are required every time you boot your computer or if you start from scratch using minikube delete --all
- Install Minikube and addons
- Minikube
- Ingress addon
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress-dns
Add-DnsClientNrptRule -Namespace ".test" -NameServers "$(minikube ip)"
- Run Minikube
minikube start
- Allowing access of the Docker's images locally to Minikube (source). Must be run every new terminal session.
eval $(minikube docker-env)
on Windows (PowerShell):
minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression
- Build all the Docker images
The build step relies on the .env
to extract the NODE_ENV
to know which target (development or production) to use.
docker-compose build
From that point, Docker is not used outside the generated images. It means that the DockerFiles and docker-compose.yml are not used anymore.
- Verify that the Docker images are available
docker images "realtimepixel*"
- Push the images to Minikube (source)
minikube image load realtimepixel_frontend:latest
minikube image load realtimepixel_backend:latest
minikube image load realtimepixel_redis:latest
- Verify that the Docker images are loaded into Minikube
docker image ls
- Delete everything from the namespace:
kubectl delete --all services -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl delete --all deployments -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl delete --all ingresses -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl delete --all ingressclass -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl delete --all validatingwebhookconfigurations -n realtimepixel-prod
- Helm Chart: Give a test (must be executed next to the Kubernetes's Helm folder):
helm install realtimepixel ./kubernetes/realtimepixel --dry-run --debug
- Helm Chart: Install our infrastructure on Kubernetes
helm upgrade realtimepixel ./kubernetes/realtimepixel --install
- Verify that the pods, services and deployment are running in the project's namespace
kubectl get pods -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl get services -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl get rs -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl get deployments -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl get ingress -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations -n realtimepixel-prod
- Run the Kubernetes's Dashboard
minikube dashboard
- Run a tunnel for the Load-Balancer to get an external up
minikube tunnel
- To find the external ip to reach the front-end service
kubectl get service frontend-service --watch -n realtimepixel-prod
Use the template
and export the output into a single yaml file.
helm template realtimepixel ./kubernetes/realtimepixel \
--set namespace=realtimepixel-prod \
--set image.pullPolicy=Always \
--set \
--set image.redis.tag=123123 \
--set \
--set image.backend.tag=123123 \
--set \
--set image.frontend.tag=123123 \
> temp.yaml
This project can run on Minikube and on Azure Kubernetes. The tooling needs to switch between the two context.
To know the current active context:
kubectl config current-context
To see all configured contexts:
kubectl config get-clusters
For this project the two should be:
Cluster Name | AUTHINFO |
minikube | minikube |
realpixelask2 | clusterUser_realtimepixel_resourcegroup_realpixelask2 |
You can get the Azure detail with:
az login
az aks list -o table
If you cannot connect to Kubernetes on Azure use:
az aks get-credentials -g realtimepixel_resourcegroup -n realpixelask2
The command connect and fetch the credential. It also automatically switches to the name -n
You can switch between using the cluster name:
kubectl config use-context minikube
kubectl config use-context realpixelask2
If you are using WSL, you need to copy the configuration file that has the context information into WSL:
mkdir ~/.kube \ && cp /mnt/c/Users/[USERNAME]/.kube/config ~/.kube
Follow this thread:
kubectl get pods -l app=frontend-pod -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl exec --stdin --tty frontend-deployment-5954559b5b-sktl2 -n realtimepixel-prod -- bash
apt-get update && apt-get install procps
ps -aux
apt install iproute2
ss -tulpn
kubectl get pods -n realtimepixel-prod
kubectl logs <FromPreviousCommand> -n realtimepixel-prod