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/                                                                   \
|                   SPALEWARE LICENSE (Revision 0.1)                |
| This file is part of a package called "GenEthic" and is           |
| licensed under SPALEWARE. You may freely modify and distribute    |
| this package or parts of it. But you MUST keep the SPALWARE       |
| license in it!                                                    |
|                                                                   |
\ __________________________________________________________________/

/                                                                         \
|            GenEthic-Enhanced IRC Server Monitoring Bot                  |
|                                                                         |
| Version      : 1.0.0                                                    |
| Base Concept : Pascal Gloor & Mehmet Akcin                              |
| Coder        : MrIron                                                   |
| Source       :           |
|                                                                         |


 Original GenEthic:
 After getting my server linked to Undernet, I had some ideas about
 having a bot, not like the others, but more like looking after what
 the server is doing, how many users connecting, and it's general
 healthy. Then I wrote the original GenEthic bot, which was not desgined
 for portability to another server, all it functions were 'hardcoded'
 and so on. That's why I decided to rewrite it completly and that's also
 why you are reading this now ;-P

 After resurfaced and linked in 2024, we found this 
 great service on the still-existing website of Geneva.CH.* from back-in-the-days.
 The bot is almost the same - but with some new additional features.


 Operating System requirements:

    - perl 5.004 or better
    - perl IO:Socket module
    - web server (optional)
    - MRTG (optional)

 IRC Server requirements:

    - Running ircu2.10.11.06 (available at
      note: this bot is NOT compatible with any other IRC daemon!
    - An o line(local oper) for the bot with the following privileges:
	walk_lchan = yes;
	deop_lchan = yes;
	see_chan = yes; # Only if locgline is enabled
	unlimit_query = yes; # Only if locgline is enabled
	rehash = no;
	local_jupe = no;
	local_gline = no; # Yes if locgline is enabled.

    - A Class block with at least 3Mbytes of SendQ.
    - Enable the following features in your ircd.conf:



 Simply run the configuration software:

     ./install <absolute_path_to_install> [--force]

     --force   force the creation of the directory


     ./install /home/genethic

 Once the installation is done, edit the configuration file,
 take your time, dont stress, it should be understandable for
 any OPER/ADMIN with some experience. Everything is explained
 for each option of the configuration file.

    cd /path/to/genethic/etc
    cp sample.conf genethic.conf
    vi genethic.conf


 Once your bot is running it will output some informations to the
 channel every 5 minutes (may be changed in the config).


   -bot:@&channel- @ COUNT  -> 6454(5.60%)/115338 (+208/-246). No 4/29. 48620(+9)chans, 67 unknown
   -bot:@&channel- @ RPING  -> hub2:25(+3) -- hub3:19(-7) -- hub4:47
   -bot:@&channel- @ UPLINK -> hub1[rp:19(+4) sq:0 up:1d0h53m]
   -bot:@&channel- @ TRAFFIC-> xl0 904/2471 kbps 1705/1599 pps xl1 209/49 kbps 52/38 pps

   on the first line, in the order the fields appear:

     - number of users on the local server
     - percentage of local users compared to global users
     - number of global users
     - number of users who connected in the last 5 minutes
     - number of users who disconnected in the last 5 minutes
     - position of the local server (regarding the amount of users)
     - number of global server (having at least 5 users)
     - number of channels
     - number of more/less channels since 5 minutes
     - number of unknown connections (as seen in /LUSERS)

  on the second line:

     - the last received rping results of all the hubs configured in your
       server config to which the server is not linked. 

  on the third line:
     - last received rping result and sendq result for linked server(s) and uptime. 
       rping values are in miliseconds.

  on the fourth line(1):

     - traffic status for all the local interfaces(2). its always shown in the
       format in/out, first 'kbps' then 'pps' (packets per second).


 Once everything is correctly configured, the bot should take place in
 its channel. You can talk to the bot by PRIVMSG or NOTICE.
 The bot will also INVITE you to the channel as soon as you use the
 OPER command.

 Once in the channel you may communicate with the bot. Most of the stuff
 happens thru the DCC interface. simply '/msg bot dcc <listen ip>' and the bot will
 start a dcc. you'll need a password to connect to the dcc and it will
 be given by the bot in the channel.
 -> *bot* dcc
 -bot:@&channel- @ your_nickname requested DCC, code is xy
 note: if you're running mIRC and you're tired of copying the code from
       the channel to the DCC, add this to your 'REMOTE' commands.

on 1:NOTICE:*:&channel:{
  if ( $me $+ ?requested?DCC??code?is iswm $2-6 ) {
    .timerDCC1 4 1 .echo = $+ $nick mIRC Script: Please wait, your password will be sent to the session in a few seconds
    .timerDCC2 1 5 .msg = $+ $nick $7

 On another side the bot is putting information into a file at each
 update (as defined by configuration) in var/genethic.log You can use
 the informations in this file to do some MRTG Graphs or others...
 A tool has especially been written for that. look into your 'bin'
 directory and you'll see ''. just run this script and you'll
 have nice and cool graphs setup in the 'mrtg' directory. Then you can
 simply copy the 'mrtg' directory using an ftp script or whatever to your
 favorite website. Be SURE to protect the graphs. kiddies love to see
 the graphs drawing buildings while they attack your server!

 The bot supports iPhone push notifications throgh pushover, and each user tokens
 can be added to the configuration file.

 As a new feature, the bot has a "hub mode" which will ommit client statistics. In hub mode, the 
 rping reporting for non-connected C/N's will be limited to other hubs (i.e. with the H flag in /stats v).

 Reporting to the back channel can be deactivated in the config. The back channel will then only receive warnings. 
 The bot will continue to create the stats files which can be utilised by MRTG or Munin.

 Inluded are also munin-plugins to show stats on number of channels, global and local clients
 rping and sendq.

 And now, HAVE FUN!


 For more information concerning the copyright of this software,
 please have a look at the file 'LICENSE' in this directory.



Bot providing useful stats for an IRC server






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