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Adds the Astris outfit, and gives Astris, Vex, and Randall the abilit…
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…y to slap the shit out of people (#395)
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Draggeru authored Jan 28, 2024
1 parent 1c32891 commit ce28ec7
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Showing 6 changed files with 265 additions and 0 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,25 @@
icon_state = "elegantgloves"
inhand_icon_state = "elegantgloves"

/obj/item/clothing/gloves/chiffon/pre_attack(atom/A, mob/living/user, params)
. = ..()


if(deprecise_zone(user.zone_selected) != BODY_ZONE_HEAD)

var/mob/living/slapped = A
user.visible_message(span_warning("[user] slaps [slapped] with [src]!"), span_warning("You slap [slapped] with [src]!"), span_hear("You hear a slap."))
playsound(slapped, 'sound/weapons/slap.ogg', get_clamped_volume(), TRUE)
slapped.Knockdown(1 SECONDS)
user.do_attack_animation(slapped, used_item = src)
return TRUE

//The type path is a lie.
name = "velvet flats"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,3 +260,230 @@
can_adjust = TRUE
body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|ARMS
alternate_worn_layer = ABOVE_SHOES_LAYER

name = "plaguestrider boots"
desc = "Sturdy and resilient boots, aptly named for their ability to stride confidently through plague-ridden terrains, offering both protection and mobility for the dedicated healer."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
worn_icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_worn.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plagueboots"
inhand_icon_state = "plagueboots"
armor_type = /datum/armor/plauge
resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF|ACID_PROOF
var/list/walking_sounds = list(
'maplestation_modules/sound/items/highheel1.ogg' = 1,
'maplestation_modules/sound/items/highheel2.ogg' = 1,

. = ..()
AddComponent(/datum/component/squeak, custom_sounds = walking_sounds, volume_override = 55, chance_override = 85)

name = "shadowlace talons"
desc = "Gloves with an aura of nocturnal grace, featuring talon-like fingertips adorned in shadowlace, allowing mystery and precision essential for a skilled doctor's interventions."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
worn_icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_worn.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plaguegloves"
inhand_icon_state = "plaguegloves"
greyscale_config_inhand_left = null
greyscale_config_inhand_right = null
resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF|ACID_PROOF
armor_type = /datum/armor/plauge

/obj/item/clothing/gloves/latex/nitrile/plague/pre_attack(atom/A, mob/living/user, params)
. = ..()


if(deprecise_zone(user.zone_selected) != BODY_ZONE_HEAD)

var/mob/living/slapped = A
user.visible_message(span_warning("[user] slaps [slapped] with [src]!"), span_warning("You slap [slapped] with [src]!"), span_hear("You hear a slap."))
playsound(slapped, 'sound/weapons/slap.ogg', get_clamped_volume(), TRUE)
slapped.Knockdown(1 SECONDS)
user.do_attack_animation(slapped, used_item = src)
return TRUE

name = "shadowlace plague gown"
desc = "An exquisite gown shrouded in the elegance of shadowlace, seamlessly blending the mystique of the night with the functionality required for a vigilant doctor, enchanting and purposeful."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
worn_icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_worn.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plaguedress"
inhand_icon_state = "plaguedress"
supports_variations_flags = CLOTHING_NO_VARIATION
clothing_flags = THICKMATERIAL
body_parts_covered = CHEST|GROIN|LEGS
alternate_worn_layer = ABOVE_SHOES_LAYER
resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF|ACID_PROOF
armor_type = /datum/armor/plauge

bio = 100

name = "plaguestriders visage"
desc = "A meticulously designed and enchanted mask with advanced filtration. It's secondary duty is to protect the idenity of a vigilant healer."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
worn_icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_worn.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plaguebeak"
inhand_icon_state = "plaguebeak"
supports_variations_flags = CLOTHING_NO_VARIATION
body_parts_covered = HIDEFACE
resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF|ACID_PROOF
armor_type = /datum/armor/plauge

. = ..()

name = "shadowlace bonnet"
desc = "A meticulously crafted frilly bonnet adorned with intricate shadowlace, designed to bring an air of mysterious elegance to the diligent healer."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
worn_icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_worn.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plaguehat"
inhand_icon_state = "plaguehat"
clothing_flags = THICKMATERIAL | SNUG_FIT
resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF|ACID_PROOF
armor_type = /datum/armor/plauge

name = "plague warding parasol"
desc = "A parasol of dark elegance, intricately designed to not only shield from the sun but also to ward off the invisible threats of disease, combines fashion with practical defense."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
worn_icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_worn.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "umbrellafrilly"
inhand_icon_state = "umbrellafrilly"
attack_verb_continuous = list("disciplines")
attack_verb_simple = list("discipline")
resistance_flags = FIRE_PROOF|ACID_PROOF

/obj/item/staff/plague/attack(mob/living/target_mob, mob/living/user, params)
. = ..()

target_mob.Knockdown(1 SECONDS)

/obj/item/staff/plague/attack_secondary(mob/living/victim, mob/living/user, params)
. = ..()

healthscan(user, victim, advanced = TRUE)

name = "philemon blessed cure-all"
desc = "A potent healing extract infused with the divine essence of Philemon, known for its miraculous ability to mend ailments and restore vitality with a touch of divine grace."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "voidextract"
inhand_icon_state = "voidextract"
force = 0

/obj/item/philemon_extract/afterattack(atom/target, mob/user, proximity_flag, click_parameters)
. = ..()
if(!proximity_flag || !isliving(target))

var/mob/living/healing = target
if(healing == user)
span_notice("[user] slathers [src] over [user.p_them()]self, the butterfly detaches and flies away after [user.p_their()] injuries!"),
span_notice("You squeeze [src], and it bursts in your hand, the butterfly detaches and flies away after it regenerates your injuries!"),
span_notice("As [user] slathers [src] over [healing], the butterfly detaches and flies away after healing [healing.p_their()] injuries!"),
span_notice("You squeeze [src], and it bursts over [healing], the butterfly detaches and flies away after healing [healing.p_their()] injuries."),

playsound(healing, 'sound/effects/splat.ogg', 40, TRUE)

name = "flesh render"
desc = "A deceptively cruel looking cutting tool. The imposing power from the tool guides a dedicated doctors hand to cut with absolute precision."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plague_scalpel"
inhand_icon_state = "plague_scalpel"
light_color = "#582640"

name = "flesh manipulator"
desc = "A tool blessed by Philemon that acts as both a retractor and a hemostat. A powerful tool for the most dedicated of healers."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plague_retractor"
inhand_icon_state = "plague_retractor"

name = "limb mendistry tool"
desc = "A precision instrument with adjustable components and intricate tendrils, ensuring the meticulous restoration of limbs under the skilled hands of a dedicated healer."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plague_bonesetter"
inhand_icon_state = "plague_bonesetter"

name = "bonebond elixir"
desc = "A potent mixture of unidentifiable ingredients used by the most attentive doctors. The tendrils within are almost desprate to mend the bones of the injured, still just as painful as regular bone gel."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plague_bone-gel"
inhand_icon_state = "plague_bone-gel"

name = "plagueweaver coverings"
desc = "A set of surgical coverings swarming with Philemons blessed butterflies. The butterflies will guide you true, as the most dedicated doctor."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plague_surgical_drapes"
inhand_icon_state = "plague_surgical_drapes"

name = "remedial satchel"
desc = "A finely-crafted leather bag adorned with subtle shadowlace accents, designed to complement the attire of the vigilant doctor. It embodies both practicality and style for the most dedicated healer."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
worn_icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_worn.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plaguebag"
inhand_icon_state = "plaguebag"

name = "shadowflame cautery"
desc = "A potent surical tool imbuled with a flame blessed by Philemon. The flame is cool to the touch, only worth while to use on open wounds by the most attentive doctor."
icon = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_item.dmi'
lefthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_lhand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'maplestation_modules/story_content/noble_equipment/icons/noble_rhand.dmi'
icon_state = "plague_cautery"
inhand_icon_state = "plague_cautery"
light_color = "#582640"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,25 @@
can_be_bloody = FALSE
resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE

/obj/item/clothing/gloves/randallgloves/pre_attack(atom/A, mob/living/user, params)
. = ..()


if(deprecise_zone(user.zone_selected) != BODY_ZONE_HEAD)

var/mob/living/slapped = A
user.visible_message(span_warning("[user] slaps [slapped] with [src]!"), span_warning("You slap [slapped] with [src]!"), span_hear("You hear a slap."))
playsound(slapped, 'sound/weapons/slap.ogg', get_clamped_volume(), TRUE)
slapped.Knockdown(1 SECONDS)
user.do_attack_animation(slapped, used_item = src)
return TRUE

name = "The United Amateur"

Expand Down

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