Example cuGraph Python Notebook for RAPIDS AI to solve the riddle of The Proclaimers 500 mile walk
We will be using the Ordnance Survey Open Roads dataset which has been converted into a graph, to solve the riddle of the Proclaimers 500 miles walk.
The area around Leith Town Hall is shown below:
This is a weighted graph, using the edge distance in metres.
Note: The Open Roads dataset starts with vertex ID 1 which the cuGraph analytics assume a zero-based starting ID.
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2019)
Licensed under Open Government Licence (OGL) V3
Adapted from NVIDIA cuGraph SSSP example notebook licensed under Apache License 2.0
To to run, copy the cloned archive to your Rapids Notebooks folder.
Then download the OS OpenRoads Graph from here and store the csv file in a subfolder named data.
If you want Coordinates for the nodes, both in OSGB36 Easting & Northing and WGS84 Latitude & Longitude, download this file.
If you publish any results, please credit Ordnance Survey.
Disclaimer: Not to be used for navigation purposes.