what it does:
- enter Amount of ticket
- Enter Route
- Purchase Ticket
Current API Uses the following Libraries:
- The Ex-Wife - Does Nothing Really!
- node.js - acting as a printing server
- Python - for genertaing pdfs
This System requires Node.js v10+ to run and Python 3
- Start the pdf generator
$ ./start_pdf_generator.sh
- Start the printing server generator
$ ./start_printing_server.sh
- list printers by going to http://localhost:8080/list
- select printer and edit the printer options in printer/server.js
//put your printer options here
const options = {
printer: "HP-LaserJet-M1522nf-MFP-2"
- stop the ./start_printing_server.sh and run it again to load new changes
- Build Dedicated Hardware License