This is a bash script to install and configure software on a debian 12 bookworm.
- Download Debian 12 iso
- Write iso to usb stick using either Rufus, Balena Etcher or the DD command (replace /dev/sda with your usb device!):
lsblk -f
sudo dd bs=4M if=$HOME/Downloads/debian-12.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/sda oflag=sync status=progress
- Boot from usb stick -> Advanced Options -> Expert Install.
Install debian minimal without desktop/software! - Login as root
- Install git
apt-get install git
su <yourusername>
git config --global "Sarah Smith"
git config --global "[email protected]"
mkdir git
cd git
- Download this repo and start script
git clone
cd debian-bookworm-config
chmod u+x
Usage: ./ <arg> <arg> <arg>
Starts in interactive mode without arguments
update_system Update the system packages
install_kde_plasma_minimal Install KDE Plasma minimal desktop
reboot_now Reboot the system
install_firewall Install a firewall
install_steam Install Steam
install_gimp Install GIMP
install_krita Install Krita
install_blender Install Blender
install_go Install Go programming language
install_qemu_kvm Install QEMU-KVM
install_firefox Install Firefox
install_ms_teams Install Microsoft Teams Web App
install_keepass Install KeePass password manager
install_thunderbird Install Thunderbird email client
install_obs_studio Install OBS Studio
install_baobab Install Baobab disk usage analyzer
install_nethogs Install Nethogs network traffic monitor
install_ark Install Ark archive manager
install_kcalc Install KCalc calculator
install_kde_spectacle Install KDE Spectacle screenshot tool
install_okular Install Okular document viewer
install_gwenview Install Gwenview image viewer
install_neofetch Install Neofetch system information tool
install_htop Install htop system monitor
install_plasma_sdk Install Plasma SDK
install_cava Install Cava audio visualizer
install_docker_ce Install Docker CE
remove_software Remove specified software
disable_wifi Disable Wi-Fi
disable_bluetooth Disable Bluetooth
enable_airplane_mode Enable airplane mode
disable_history Disable kde history (Recent Files, Recent Locations)
disable_mouse_acceleration Disable mouse acceleration
configure_dolphin Configure Dolphin file manager
create_file_templates Create file templates in Dolphin
create_ll_alias Create 'll' alias and add some color
create_ssh_key Create SSH key pair
disable_swap Disable swap space
install_simple_menu Install Simple Menu application launcher
configure_lockscreen Configure lock screen settings
change_global_theme_dark Change global theme to dark
change_global_theme_light Change global theme to light
change_global_theme_to_mystix Change global theme to Mystix
change_wallpaper Change wallpaper
restart_ui Restart user interface
display_settings Display settings
enable_numlock Enable NumLock on Plasma Startup
-h, --help, help Display this help menu