to operate using the Simulation Driver the following components have to be installed and configured
- Apache ActiveMQ
- InfluxDB
- Apache Jena Fuseki
Before installing the applications, save the architecture that will be needed by InfluxDB with the following code:
if [ $(uname -m) == "x86_64" ]; then
To install Apache ActiveMQ, run the following commands:
tar -xvzf apache-activemq-6.0.1-bin.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-activemq-6.0.1 /opt/activemq
To make it start automatically, create the file for the service with sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/activemq.service
and paste the following content:
Description=ActiveMQ Message Broker
ExecStart=/opt/activemq/bin/activemq start
ExecStop=/opt/activemq/bin/activemq stop
Then, run the following commands:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable activemq
sudo systemctl start activemq
To install InfluxDB, run the following commands:
curl -O$arch.deb
sudo dpkg -i influxdb2_2.7.4-1_$arch.deb
sudo systemctl enable influxdb
sudo systemctl start influxdb
where $arch
is the architecture saved before. To further configure InfluxDB, run the following commands:
wget wget$arch.tar.gz
tar xvzf ./influxdb2-client-2.7.3-linux-$arch.tar.gz
sudo mv ./influx /usr/local/bin/
To create the database, run the following commands:
# User-less initial setup for the influxdb
influx setup \
--username <username> \
--password <password> \
--token <token> \
--org <org> \
--bucket GreenHouseDemo \
# Create the bucket for the greenhouse
influx bucket create \
--name GreenHouse \
--org <org>
The first command is needed to create the initial setup, whereas the second to create the non-demo bucket for the greenhouse. Note that it is possible to omit the token and a random one will be generated. In this case, it is necessary to copy it down for future use.
To install Apache Jena Fuseki, run the following commands:
tar -xvzf apache-jena-fuseki-4.10.0.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-jena-fuseki-4.10.0 /opt/fuseki
To make it start with an activated reasoner, create the configuration file under /opt/fuseki/config.ttl
with the following content:
PREFIX fuseki: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX tdb1: <>
PREFIX tdb2: <>
PREFIX ja: <>
PREFIX : <#>
<#service1> rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
fuseki:name "GreenHouse" ; # http://host:port/ds
fuseki:endpoint [
# SPARQL query service
fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
fuseki:name "sparql"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
# SPARQL query service (alt name)
fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
fuseki:name "query"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
# SPARQL update service
fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
fuseki:name "update"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
# HTML file upload service
fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
fuseki:name "update"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
# SPARQL Graph Store Protocol (read)
fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp_r ;
fuseki:name "get"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
# SPARQL Graph Store Protcol (read and write)
fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp_rw ;
fuseki:name "data"
] ;
fuseki:dataset <#dataset> ;
<#dataset> rdf:type ja:RDFDataset;
ja:defaultGraph <#inferenceModel>
<#inferenceModel> rdf:type ja:InfModel;
ja:reasoner [ ja:reasonerURL <> ];
ja:baseModel <#baseModel>;
<#baseModel> rdf:type tdb2:GraphTDB2; # for example.
tdb2:location "/home/lab/run/databases/GreenHouse/";
# etc
To make it start automatically add the following line in the cronjobs with sudo crontab -e
@reboot /opt/fuseki/fuseki-server --update --config /opt/fuseki/config.ttl &
To configure and install and use the Simulation Driver, make sure to have java installed with:
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk -y
After cloning the repository, run the following commands:
./gradlew build
Move the actual file to a more convenient location with:
cp -r demo/* /home/lab/smol/
cp build/libs/smol_scheduler.jar /home/lab/smol/
The following files need to be configured
Contains the information for the InfluxDB instance used by the SMOL program. An example would be
url: http://localhost:8086
org: myOrg
token: <token>
bucket: GreenHouseDemo
The simulation driver will output the execution information in a file to make it readable by the frontend. The following is on how to set up the file:
sudo mkdir /model
sudo touch /model/model.txt
sudo groupadd web
sudo chown -R :web /model
sudo chmod -R 775 /model
sudo usermod -a -G web www-data
sudo usermod -a -G web lab
Contains the information for the Simulation Driver instance. An example would be
smol_path: /home/lab/smol/Greenhouse_ctrl.smol;/home/lab/smol/Greenhouse_data.smol;/home/lab/smol/Greenhouse_health.smol;/home/lab/smol/Greenhouse_plants.smol;/home/lab/smol/Greenhouse_pumps.smol;/home/lab/smol/Greenhouse_pots.smol;/home/lab/smol/GreenHouse.smol
lifted_state_output_path: /home/lab/smol
lifted_state_output_file: /home/lab/smol/out.ttl
greenhouse_asset_model_file: /home/lab/smol/greenhouse.ttl
interval_seconds: 60
triplestore_url: http://localhost:3030/GreenHouse
# Paths of data collector config files. They are edited locally and then sent to data collectors.
local_shelf_1_data_collector_config_path: /home/lab/smol/config_shelf_1.ini
local_shelf_2_data_collector_config_path: /home/lab/smol/config_shelf_2.ini
# Paths of data collector config files on (remote) data collectors. Files will be sent to these paths.
shelf_1_data_collector_config_path: /home/lab/influx_greenhouse/greenhouse-data-collector/collector/config.ini
shelf_2_data_collector_config_path: /home/lab/influx_greenhouse/greenhouse-data-collector/collector/config.ini
The SMOL Digital Twin contains the query necessary to check the behaviour of the DT.
It is necessary to modify if the greenhouse is modified. The files for the SMOL Digital Twin are in /home/lab/smol/
. The following is an example of the query used for the greenhouse:
"from(bucket: \"GreenHouseDemo\")
You find a description of the SMOL Digital Twin and its extensions at the same location /home/lab/smol/
on the VM. The document can also be retrieved here.
To execute the simulation driver, all the configuration files and the jar files need to be in the same folder. Then, run the following command:
java -jar smol_scheduler.jar > /model/model.txt
The default output for the jar file after the building process with gradle is build/libs/smol_scheduler.jar