This repository is for code related to the NEON discharge data products: stream discharge field collection (NEON.DP1.20048), salt-based discharge (NEON.DP1.20193), stream discharge rating curve (NEON.DP4.00133), and stream discharge (NEON.DP4.00130).
The streamQ package can be used for calculating stream discharge from constant rate and slug salt tracer injections using the basic or expanded data package for salt-based discharge (NEON.DP1.20193).
The /L4Discharge/ folder contains an R package, stageQCurve, for calculating a stage-discharge rating curve using the same procedure described in NEON User Guide to Stream Discharge Rating Curve, revision A. Briefly, the NEON stage-discharge rating curve is developed using a Bayesian modeling technique developed by the Bayesian Rating Curve Advanced Graphical Environment (BaRatinAGE) development team (Le Coz et al., 2013; Le Coz et al., 2014). The executable and/or a GUI is available freely with an individual license by sending an email to: [email protected]. In addition to the R package, the /L4Discharge/ folder contains a dockerfile and file structures needed to run the BaM executable in a Docker container that should allow the R scripts and executable to run regradless of operating system as long as the user has Docker ( installed.
The /shiny-openFlow/ folder contains the openFlow shiny application, which allows users to plot and interact with NEON hydrology data products.
The neonStageQPlot package contains function that allow the openFlow app to run. The functions can also be used independently of the shiny app to download and plot NEON hydrology data, and generate URLs in order to render PhenoCam images in R.
The National Ecological Observatory Network is a project solely funded by the National Science Foundation and managed under cooperative agreement by Battelle. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Information and documents contained within this pachage are available as-is. Codes or documents, or their use, may not be supported or maintained under any program or service and may not be compatible with data currently available from the NEON Data Portal.