Code for 2016 Robot ##Migration from bitbucket
- Download Github desktop app here :
- Get a Github account
- Get Sean or Chris to add your account to the team
- Delete the original nrgrobot2016 project from your repository. (Deleting disk contents too)
- Clone the NRGRobot2016 repository by opening the Github app, clicking the '+' on the top left corner, and going to 'clone'. Select the NRGRobot2016 repository and download it to a local file.
- Import project in ecplise. File > Import > General > Existing Projects Into Workspace. Navigate to where you downloaded the git repository in step 4 and finish.
- Create a .classpath file. Right click your project in eclipse and press 'properties'. Add your wpilib files as external jars and select all of them in the 'Order and Export' tab.
- You should be done. You can commit and push within the desktop github app.
##Code Organization ###org.usfirst.frc.team948.robot This package contains all the classes that are used throughout robot code. Our own implementation of FRC library classes will also go here. #####RobotMap This class has all the acuators and sensors in the robot. All objects are declared statically and created in an init() method #####DS2016 This class holds all the joysticks, buttons, and driver station stuff that we use. Commands are attached to buttons here #####Robot This class is where all the code comes together. ###org.usfirst.frc.team948.robot.commands This package holds all the commands #####CommandBase This class is our own commandbase which will hold all subsystem objects as well as position tracker and preferences ###org.usfirst.frc.team948.robot.subsystems This package holds our subsystems ###org.usfirst.frc.team948.robot.utilities This package holds our misc. classes such as MathHelper, position tracker, logger, and so on. ##How to Use More on this later. ##Authors Jeremy Zhang Jedrek Laserna Frank Zhang Tejas Rangole Chuwei Guo