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Library for Shared Memory based Sensor Aggregation

Author: Chinmay Shripad Hegde [email protected] Rohit Pai [email protected]

Created: 2023-12-27

Problem Description

In the existing architecture bmcweb makes Object manager based D-Bus calls and processes all the properties in the response to filter out and prepare the properties required for MRD URIs. With this approach we have performance impacts such as % PID loop outliers and maximum MRD TAT crossing the SLAs.

Background and References

Shared memory sensor repository acts like a cache for bmweb where all the sensor data and metric values required to prepare the response for MRD requests are readily available. The repository is periodically updated by the sensor aggregator library which gets the data from individual sensor producers. Sensor producers will use shared memory APIs to insert and update the MRD values.This brings in significant reduction in processing time of MRD requests in bmcweb which will help to improve the SLAs.


Content Link
Redfish Telemetry Performance
TAL Fasibility Study and Recommendation for Umbriel
Telemetry SLAs


External API requirements

  • API for data producer to update telemetry objects in shared memory.
  • API for client such as bmcweb to read telemetry objects for a given metric namespace.

Shared Memory internal requirements:

  • Shmem library must support creation of shared memory segments which can be used as fast IPC between multiple processes.
  • The Shmem library must abstract the internal memory layout required to save the objects.
  • Shmem library must support unified object access APIs.
  • Shemem library must support efficient access to single object.
  • Shemem library APIs must ensure data integrity and protection in a multi process environment.
  • Shemem library must provide CLI tool which can be invoked from shell to read, updated and erase objects in the shared memory segments.

Proposed Design

                    │                                 │
┌────────┐          │  ┌──────────────────────────┐   │
│        │          │  │                          │   │
│ Client ├──────────┼──►    getAllMRDValues       │   │
│        │          │  │                          │   │
└────────┘          │  └────────────▲─────────────┘   │
                    │               │                 │             ┌─────────────────┐
                    │               └──────Read───────┼─────────────►                 │
                    │               ┌──────Write──────┼─────────────►   Shared Memory │
                    │               │                 │             └─────────────────┘
                    │  ┌────────────┴─────────────┐   │
┌────────────┐      │  │    - namespaceInit       │   │
│            │      │  │    - updateTelemetry     │   │
│Producer - 1├───┬──┼──►                          │   │
│            │   │  │  └──────────────────────────┘   │
└────────────┘   │  │                                 │
                 │  │  Shared Memory Library          │
┌────────────┐   │  │                                 │
│            │   │  └─────────────────────────────────┘
│Producer - 2├───┘
│            │

Sensor Producer Workflow

Producers will use the sensor aggregator library APIs to

  • Initialize the producer name
  • Create Sensor Objects in the shared memory
  • Update Value and/OR Timestamp values

Bmcweb Workflow

  • Sensor Aggregator library provides an API to get all objects from a MRD namespace.
  • Based on the MRD requested in the URI, the library creates a list of shared memory namespaces whose metric type matches with the requested metric type in the URI. From each of the shared memory regions read all objects and aggregate them.

Configuration json for metric property mapping

There would be a configuration file which maps MRD namespace to all the shared memory namespaces exposed by each of the sensor provider services. SensorNamespaces key contains rules for each of the sensor namespace which is combination of Namespace, ObjectpathKeywords and PropertyList.

Note: By default shm_namespace_config.json file present in configurations directory will be used. Override this file in your platform recipe file based on the requirement.

If you need to add new property to existing metric

  • Identify the namespace
  • Verify the object path and add if new object paths is necessary
  • Update Property in the identfied section

If you need to add a new namespace

  • Update namespace and size in shm_mapping.json file
  • Add a new entry in shm_namespace_config.json file with namespace, object path keyword and property details

An example of this configuration file is given below.

  "SensorNamespaces": [
        "Namespace": "PlatformEnvironmentMetrics",
        "ObjectpathKeywords": "sensors/temperature",
        "PropertyList": ["Value"]
        "Namespace": "MemoryMetrics",
        "ObjectpathKeywords": "memory",
        "PropertyList": [

Shared memory mapping json

This file will have updating producer names for all the sensor namespaces. For each namespace

  • Producers key will contain list of processes which updates shared memory for the given namespace.
  • Shared memory size should be specified in bytes with field SizeInBytes

Note: By default shm_mapping.json file present in configurations directory will be used. Override this file in your platform recipe file based on the requirement.

SizeInBytes is currently defined as below. The calculation is based on used size in HGX platform for each of the metrics namespaces.

Used size is calculated using managed_shared_memory.get_free_memory() api. Based on the used size it's adjusted to it's near 2's power value in bytes.

Namespace Size in system KB Allocated size
MemoryMetrics_0 46.1328125 128 KB
NVSwitchMetrics_0 40.4453125 128 KB
NVSwitchPortMetrics_0 894.4765625 1024 KB
PlatformEnvironmentMetrics_0 55.921875 128 KB
ProcessorGPMMetrics_0 138.0234375 256 KB
ProcessorMetrics_0 103.2734375 256 KB
ProcessorPortGPMMetrics_0 267.203125 512 KB
ProcessorPortMetrics_0 829.7265625 1024 KB

An example of this namespace mapping is given below.

    "Namespaces": {
        "PlatformEnvironmentMetrics": {
            "Producers": ["gpumgrd", "pldmd"],
            "SizeInBytes": 1024000


Shared memory client APIs

This API returns all metric report definitions for a given namespace. This API should be used by MRD clients such as bmcweb. Exceptions will be thrown in case of no elements or absense of given shared memory namespace.

std::vector<SensorValue> getAllMRDValues(const string &mrdNamespace);

std::string metricId = "PlatformEnvironmentMetrics";
const auto& values = nv::shmem::sensor_aggregation::getAllMRDValues(metricId);

Shared memory producer APIs

Init namespace

This API is to initialize the namespace. This API takes the process name as input which will be the suffix for shared memory namespaces. This API should be called once in telemetry producers, before creating new telemetry objects.


static bool AggregationService::namespaceInit(const std::string& processName);


  • processName - process name of producer service


std::string producerName = "gpumgrd";

Update telemetry

API to add new telemetry object, update existing telemetry object value and update nan. This API should be called by telemetry producers.

All PlatformEnvironmentMetrics will be under /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors. This API expects associationPath for sensors paths and returns error if associationPath is not passed for the sensor objects.


static bool AggregationService::updateTelemetry(const std::string& devicePath,
                 const std::string& interface,
                 const std::string& propName,
                 DbusVariantType& value, const uint64_t timestamp, int rc,
                 const std::string associatedEntityPath = {});


  • devicePath - Device path of telemetry object.
  • interface - Phosphor D-Bus interface of telemetry object.
  • propName - Metric name.
  • value - Metric value.
  • timestamp - Timestamp of telemetry object.
  • rc - Set this value to non zero for nan update.
  • associatedEntityPath - optional for other metrics. Required for platform environment metrics.

Example: Insert

#include <telemetry_mrd_service.hpp>
using namespace nv::sensor_aggregation;

std::string devicePath =
std::string interface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value";
std::string propertyName = "Value";
std::string parentPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/HGX_Chassis_0";
DbusVariantType value = 19.0625;
uint64_t timeStamp = 23140448;

if (AggregationService::updateTelemetry(devicePath, interface,
                                        propertyName, value, 0, 0,
                                        parentPath)) {
  std::cout << "AggregationService::updateTelemetry success for new object"
            << std::endl;
} else {
  std::cout << "AggregationService::updateTelemetry failed for new object"
            << std::endl;

Example: Update timestamp and value

value = 29.0625;
timeStamp = 23150448
if (AggregationService::updateTelemetry(devicePath, interface,
                                        propertyName, value, 0, 0,
                                        parentPath)) {
  std::cout << "AggregationService::updateTelemetry value and timestamp "
                "update success"
            << std::endl;
} else {
  std::cout << "AggregationService::updateTelemetry value and timestamp "
                "update failed"
            << std::endl;

Example: Update nan

if (AggregationService::updateTelemetry(
        devicePath, interface, propertyName, value, timeStamp, -1)) {
  std::cout << "AggregationService: nan handling simple type success"
            << std::endl;
} else {
  std::cout << "AggregationService: nan handling simple type failed"
            << std::endl;

Telemetry Readiness

Individual producers update the status in CSM over D-Bus once all objects are updated, CSM populates the overall telemetry readiness based on individual producer state. Redfish clients should rely on Telemetry readiness before querying the MRD properties.

Internal clients needs to explicitly check telemetry readiness from the CSM module over dbus and when its ready they can fetch the MRD objects from the shmem.

Platform Enablement

Configuration Json

  • shm_mapping.json: Modify this file based on the namespaces supported and producers for this platform. By default namespaces and producer names for vulcan platform will be used. Refer Shared memory mapping json section for more details.

  • shm_namespace_config.json: Update only if there are additional platform specific properties. If those properties are not applicable for all platforms use bbappend file to add this file to specific platform. Refer Configuration json for metric property mapping section for more details.

Recipe Changes

  • In platform obmc-phosphor-image.bbappend file, add nvidia-shmem to OBMC_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append section

  • In BMCWeb bbappend file add nvidia-shmem dependency and enable shmem-platform-metrics

    EXTRA_OEMESON:append = " -Dshmem-platform-metrics=enabled "
    DEPENDS:append = " nvidia-shmem"
  • In nvidia-shmem bbappend file add platform-system-id and platform-system-id based on platform id.


    EXTRA_OEMESON:append = " -Dplatform-system-id=HGX_Baseboard_0"
    EXTRA_OEMESON:append = " -Dplatform-device-prefix=HGX_"
  • If shm_mapping.json and shm_namespace_config.json has changes add those files to the image.


    # Add platform specific shared memory mapping file
    FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
    SRC_URI:append = " file://shm_mapping.json"
    do_install:append() {
        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/shm_mapping.json ${D}${datadir}/nvshmem

Reference MR

Troubleshooting and logging

By default only informational and error logs are enabled. Debug logs can be enabled with a meson flag enable-shm-debug. To add additional debug traces you can use SHMDEBUG method.


Shared memory IPC on BMC







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