I graduated with an MS in Aerospace Engineering from UIUC, with a specialization in Control & Dynamical Systems. I deeply enjoy tinkering on hardware and am an avid experimentalist. Through coursework, I have the following competencies:
- Control Theory/design for linear systems
- Optimal control (AE 504)
- Dynamical Systems I (MATH 550)
- Advanced Orbital Mechanics (AE 502)
My project explores techniques for minimizing informations required for basic control objectives, namely, maintaining a hover position for a Crazyflie quadrotor. I got to spend a great deal of time working with open-source software and even got to use the AE dept's Qualisys Motion capture system!
A project I am working on to enable hopping quadrotors to push objects around! The build was inspired by the Hopcopter and I was able to get my own Crazyflie quadrotor to hop in under 3 weeks!
Throughout my grad program, I had the amazing opportunity to TA for two awesome classes within the Control Systems Lab complex:
- Robot Dynamics & Control (ME 446) : Spring 2023, Spring 2024
- Autonomous Systems Lab (AE 483) : Fall 2024
I have made it to the List of Teachers ranked Excellent by their Students each time!
When I need to look away from screens, I go off on a very long walk (weather permitting!). I enjoy ranking restaurants in the twin-cities of Champaign-Urbana (email me for my recommendations :D )