Releases: Nemocas/Nemo.jl
Releases · Nemocas/Nemo.jl
Nemo v0.49.1
Merged pull requests:
- Revamp rational reconstruction (#2032) (@fieker)
- Add more addmul! and submul! methods (#2040) (@lgoettgens)
- Add
(#2041) (@lgoettgens) - use optimized method for one parameter version of is_gen (#2043) (@karlwessel)
- Add FLINT bindings for
(#2044) (@felix-roehrich) - chore: Bump to 0.49.1 (#2046) (@lgoettgens)
Nemo v0.49.0
Breaking changes:
- Changed the printing of
Merged pull requests:
- Optimize map_coefficients, change_base_ring for some inputs (#1994) (@fingolfin)
- More lin alg (#2021) (@fieker)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (#2023) (@dependabot[bot])
- OscarCI: try testing oscar master with released Hecke+Singular (#2028) (@benlorenz)
- Reduce code duplication in QQBar code base (#2029) (@fingolfin)
- Align printing of QQBar with related fields in OSCAR (#2030) (@fingolfin)
- Add many unsafe ops for QQBarElem (#2031) (@fingolfin)
- Check zzModMatrix to be square before powering (#2033) (@lgoettgens)
- Fix documentation:
does not return aVector
(#2034) (@joschmitt) - Add support for parallel testing (#2035) (@aaruni96)
- Adapt to conformance test changes in AA (#2036) (@lgoettgens)
- Sparse hnf (#2037) (@fieker)
- fix: divides for trivial input for ZZi (#2038) (@thofma)
- chore: bump to 0.49.0 (#2039) (@thofma)
Nemo v0.48.4
Merged pull requests:
- Fix regression: ambiguity in +,*,- for UnivPoly{ZZRingElem} & ZZRingElem (#2026) (@fingolfin)
- chore: bump version to 0.48.4 (#2027) (@lgoettgens)
Nemo v0.48.3
Merged pull requests:
- fix the solve_triu: (#1985) (@fieker)
- Add some specialized methods for universal polynomials (#2013) (@SoongNoonien)
- Avoid the GC for nmod_mat (zzModMat, fpMatrix) (#2016) (@fieker)
- Allow coercion and conversion from
(#2018) (@jamesnohilly) - fix: remove parts of docstrings which make :fix sad (#2019) (@thofma)
- Create dependabot.yml (#2020) (@ranocha)
- Replace hardcoded rounding modes with named for arb (#2022) (@jamesnohilly)
- Explicitly qualify constructors that are extended (#2024) (@lgoettgens)
- chore: bump to 0.48.3 (#2025) (@thofma)
Nemo v0.48.2
Merged pull requests:
- fix: add! for QadicFieldElem (#1990) (@thofma)
- Added new function
for square integer matrices (#1991) (@JohnAAbbott) - Add set! methods for QQ/ZZMPolyRingElem (#1993) (@fingolfin)
- Remove workaround in
powermod(::FqPolyRingElem, ::ZZRingElem, ::FqPolyRingElem)
(#1996) (@lgoettgens) - Don't compute
multipe times (#1997) (@lgoettgens) - Change Flint -> FLINT (#1998) (@albinahlback)
- Direct access to
of FLINT (m)polys (#2001) (@fingolfin) - Remove redundant methods (#2002) (@fingolfin)
- Fix typos and revert unwanted changes in
(#2003) (@lgoettgens) - Some
improvements (#2007) (@lgoettgens) - Deduplicate FLINT finalizers (#2008) (@lgoettgens)
- Fix typo in docstring for minpoly(R::QQPolyRing, x::QQBarFieldElem) (#2009) (@fingolfin)
- feat: add lll_gram[_with_transform] for semidefinite matrices (#2011) (@thofma)
- chore: bump to 0.48.2 (#2015) (@thofma)
Nemo v0.48.1
Merged pull requests:
- Jaa/is nilpotent (#1974) (@JohnAAbbott)
- Add is_zero_initialized for FLINT backed matrix types (#1975) (@fingolfin)
- Remove redundant {swap,reverse}_{rows,cols} methods (#1976) (@fingolfin)
- Replace some
s by simpler code (#1977) (@fingolfin) - Merge redundant MatrixSpace dispatches (#1978) (@fingolfin)
- Remove redundant methods for zero, similar, zero_matrix (#1979) (@fingolfin)
- Remove more redundant similar & zero methods (#1980) (@fingolfin)
- nmod_mat.jl: some more add!/sub!/mul! changes (#1981) (@fingolfin)
- Move some more things out of HeckeMoreStuff.jl (#1983) (@fingolfin)
- Remove is_irreducible(a::QQMPolyRingElem) (#1984) (@fingolfin)
- fix: make invmod more robust for non-prime moduli (#1986) (@thofma)
- fix: aliasing bug in mul! (#1987) (@thofma)
- fix: irreducibility of constant polynomials over finite fields (#1988) (@thofma)
- Bump version to 0.48.1 (#1989) (@lgoettgens)
Nemo v0.48.0
Merged pull requests:
- Remove duplicate polynomial call code (#1933) (@lgoettgens)
- Remove global
objects (#1935) (@lgoettgens) - Extend
to integer matrices (#1953) (@JohnAAbbott) - Add dummy hash functions for arb types (#1954) (@lgoettgens)
- Add div and divrem with rounding argument (#1955) (@paemurru)
- Return value in some parts of algebraic number documentation (#1956) (@gvanuxem)
- Improve factor some more (#1957) (@JohnAAbbott)
- sanitize the solve_triu and sync with AA (#1958) (@fieker)
- Export denominator! and numerator! (#1959) (@fingolfin)
- Enable swap_rows/_cols etc. for ZZModMatrix, FpMatrix (#1960) (@fingolfin)
- FinField: use concrete types for sub-/overfield morphisms to improve inferrability (#1961) (@benlorenz)
- fix: mention matrix dimension in BoundsError (#1962) (@thofma)
- Add some convert method to/from QQBarFieldElem (#1963) (@fingolfin)
- Remove dependency on Pkg (#1964) (@fingolfin)
- Fix
root(RealFieldElem(0), 3)
(#1965) (@fingolfin) - Use more FLINT methods for fmpz_mod_mat (#1966) (@fingolfin)
- Bump version to 0.48.0-DEV (#1967) (@lgoettgens)
- Bump AbstractAlgebra to 0.44.0 (#1972) (@lgoettgens)
- Set version to 0.48.0 (#1973) (@lgoettgens)
Closed issues:
- Rename solve_with_det to solve_rational_with_det (#275)
- Rename setindex_t! to setindex_transpose! (#276)
- MPoly powering fails over Z/nZ (#318)
- problem with inverting a matrix over a residue class ring (#504)
- Difference between factor and roots (#608)
- Implement conversion of fmpz_mat's to fmpz_mod_mat's (#678)
- Implement lift for fmpz_mod_mat (#679)
- Implement swap_rows/swap_cols/reverse_rows for fmpz_mod_mat (#681)
- Implement det for fmpz_mod_mat's (#683)
- Implement rank for fmpz_mod_mat's (#684)
- Implement charpoly/minpoly for fmpz_mod_mat's (#686)
- padic log (#950)
- Sudden Loss/Reset of Precision in Bessel Functions (#954)
- delete some of the parent object (ring) printing code (#1082)
- Can we make ComplexField(QQ) ? (#1110)
- Implement ispower and ispower_with_root for fmpz (will require flint-2.9) (#1126)
- Various inplace operators (#1166)
- Do we have addmul! for MatrixSpace (#1177)
- is_squarefree is missing for fmpz_poly and fmpq_poly (#1311)
- Third root of the zero element of the real numbers fails (#1440)
- Add conversion QQBarFieldElem -> Float64 / ComplexF64, and perhaps more generally all Real / Complex subtypes (#1650)
- Import
in Hecke.jl (#1863) - Consider removing dependency on Pkg (#1895)
Nemo v0.47.5
Merged pull requests:
- Add optimized is_trivial methods for zzModRing and ZZModRing (#1949) (@fingolfin)
- Replace Random.GLOBAL_RNG by Random.default_rng() (#1950) (@fingolfin)
- Make factor work for Int128, UInt128, BigInt (#1951) (@JohnAAbbott)
- fix: wrong caching in relative FqField construction (#1952) (@thofma)
Nemo v0.47.4
Merged pull requests:
- Implement is_squarefree for QQ/ZZPolyRingElem (#1742) (@fingolfin)
- Ensure MatElem subtypes T have
T(R::Ring, ::UndefInitializer, r::Int, c::Int)
constructor (#1791) (@fingolfin) - More conformance tests, fix some corner cases (#1883) (@fingolfin)
- Add conversion CalciumField, QQBar -> Float64 (#1893) (@fingolfin)
- Split series over fq_nmod and fq into different files (#1929) (@lgoettgens)
- Update ccall syntax to
(#1932) (@lgoettgens) - Add some large refactorings to
(#1936) (@lgoettgens) - Replace more
syntax (#1938) (@lgoettgens) - Add global guassian parents without
in name (#1939) (@lgoettgens) - Replace more
syntax for serieses (#1940) (@lgoettgens) - Make low-level ZZRingElem accessors more powerful (#1942) (@fingolfin)
- Fix potential GC issue with hash(::QQFieldElem) (#1943) (@fingolfin)
- Version 0.47.4 (#1945) (@fingolfin)
Closed issues:
similar(::NemoMatrix, ::Ring)
does not produce Nemo matrices (#1826)
Nemo v0.47.3
Merged pull requests:
- Resolve TODO in qqbar code (#1899) (@fingolfin)
- Add and unify one!, zero!, neg! methods for arb types (#1900) (@fingolfin)
- Use setcoeff! in zzModPolyRingElem/fpPolyRingElem constructors (#1903) (@fingolfin)
- More unsafe ops for QQ/ZZMPolyRingElem (#1904) (@fingolfin)
- Unsafe ops for ZZRingElem, QQFieldElem (#1905) (@fingolfin)
- Unsafe ops for fq_default (#1906) (@fingolfin)
- Unsafe ops for QQ/ZZPolyRingElem, QQ/ZZMatrix (#1907) (@fingolfin)
- Add
for finite field elements (#1908) (@lgoettgens) - Clean up
calls (#1910) (@lgoettgens) - Use
instead of ccall (#1912) (@lgoettgens) - Don't use ccalls where wrappers already exist (fmpz edition) (#1913) (@lgoettgens)
- Don't use ccalls where wrappers already exist (fmpq edition) (#1914) (@lgoettgens)
- CI: stop testing against Julia 1.9 (#1915) (@lgoettgens)
- Fix and use
for arb poly rings (#1916) (@lgoettgens) - Add and use mutating arithmetics for arb poly rings (#1917) (@lgoettgens)
- Don't use ccalls where wrappers already exist (arb mat edition) (#1918) (@lgoettgens)
- Wrap Arb pointer functions into julia functions (#1921) (@lgoettgens)
- Unroll some
loops around _arb_set code (#1922) (@lgoettgens) - Remove unnecessary loop variable from series meta-programming (#1923) (@lgoettgens)
- Fix * for typemin(Int) and fpFieldElem or zzModRingElem (#1926) (@fingolfin)
- Fix @GC.preserve -> GC.@preserve (#1927) (@fingolfin)
- Change
to take real and imag part as tuple (#1928) (@lgoettgens) - Fix crash computing
zero(ZZ[t]) - zero(ZZ)
(#1930) (@fingolfin) - Bump version to 0.47.3 (#1931) (@lgoettgens)
Closed issues: