- Install Docker and Docker Compose;
- Use
docker compose up -d
to run compose services as daemon;
MinIO: http://localhost:9001 (minio/minio_minio)
MySQL localhost:3306 (root/mysql)
Arctic Meta Service (AMS) Dashboard: http://localhost:1630 (admin/admin)
Spark UI: http://localhost:4040 (available after Spark application launching by Kyuubi, port may be 4041, 4042... if you launch more than one Spark applications)
Flink UI: http://localhost:8081 (available after starting CDC service)
Generate static data to MySQL
docker exec -it mysql-datagen \ java -jar lakehouse-benchmark.jar \ -b tpcc,chbenchmark \ -c config/mysql/sample_chbenchmark_config.xml \ --create=true --load=true
Start CDC service
docker exec -it mysql-arctic-cdc \ java -cp lakehouse-benchmark-ingestion-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ com.netease.arctic.benchmark.ingestion.MainRunner \ -confDir /opt/lakehouse_benchmark_ingestion/conf \ -sinkType arctic -sinkDatabase arctic_db
Generate TPCC data to MySQL
java -jar lakehouse-benchmark.jar \ -b tpcc,chbenchmark -c config/mysql/sample_chbenchmark_config.xml \ --execute=true -s 5
Connect using
docker exec -it kyuubi /opt/kyuubi/bin/beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://'
Connect using DBeaver Add a Kyuubi datasource with
- connection url
- username:
- password:
- connection url
Using built-in dataset Kyuubi supply some built-in dataset, After the Kyuubi starts, you can run the following command to load the different datasets:
- For loading TPC-H tiny dataset to spark_catalog.tpch_tiny, run
docker exec -it kyuubi /opt/kyuubi/bin/beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://' -f /opt/load_data/load-dataset-tpch-tiny.sql
Query across catalogs.
Go Kyuubi Docs to check supported connectors.
select n_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue from tpch.tiny.customer, tpch.tiny.orders, tpch.tiny.lineitem, arctic.arctic_db.supplier, tpch.tiny.nation, tpch.tiny.region where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_suppkey = su_suppkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey group by n_name order by revenue desc
- Stop compose services by
docker compose down
assuming they are running as daemon;
We have uploaded pre-build images to docker hub, and you may want to tune and build by yourself.
- Build images
; - Optional to use
to build and publish cross-platform imagesBUILDX=1 ./build-image.sh