A port of youtube-ios-player-helper written in Swift with SPM support.
Swift Package Manager (SPM)
Add the following line to the dependencies
array in Package.swift
If using Xcode then you can do the following
File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
Then enter the Git repo
I created this repo as a Swift port of youtube-ios-player-helper repo the offical youtube player Google recommends. If you don't need SPM or any of the other features this package provides I would recommend you install that package instead. Which does not support SPM and is written in Objective-C. It also has a decent amount of Pull Requests which haven't been merged with valuable features.
All contributors are welcome!
Just follow the "fork-and-pull-request" Git workflow.
- Fork the repo.
- Clone your forked repo to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull request from your forked branch into
so that we can review your changes